Sunday, March 6, 2022

Tangles of Hope

Yesterday I came across a tangling session on IG facilitated by three Zentangle instructors from around the world that spoke English as well as another language which enabled me to follow along with the recorded class.  There were several hashtags given for this to use when posting on IG including #tangleforsolidarity #dovefor solidarity #tanglesfor hope #tangletogetherdove and others.   I used a 4 x 4 square cut from a cracker box as my base tile as I didn't have any official tan tiles and that was the recommended base.  But they did encourage you to use what you had on hand including the tools used to color the tangle.  Luckily there were featuring Prismacolor pencils which I do happen to have along with a white charcoal/pastel pencil.  

I forgot to write down the names of the tangles used but I did manage to get the quote that was used to begin the session:

Great things
are brought about
and burdens
are lightened
through the efforts
of many hands
anxiously engaged
in a good cause.

(Elder M. Russel Ballard)


  1. Well done - and so fitting. I love that quote so I hope it's okay if I snag the quote for my blog too.

  2. What a great quote. And the panel is beautiful with the pencil colouring. The white details add so much. I especially like the design used for the heart fill, very Celtic looking.


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