Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Art and Found Day Follow-Up

Back around the middle of the month I posted about Art and Found Day and shared the pictures of the artwork that I left and where I left them.  The day after I did the drop I was kind of down in the dumps because HWNSNBP found the package that we left down the street at the train station opened and on the ground and brought it home.  Either the person didn't think it had any value or they dropped it.  I mused when I posted on FB and IG that I should have made sure to place them near a garbage can as littering was not my intention.  From that FB post I learned that the package I had taped to the side door at the school was found by one of the teachers but she hadn't gotten around to letting me know.  Turns out, as I thought might be the case with any or all of them, that she didn't know how to tag me on IG and was going to try to figure it out but she's a single mom and was busy with her kids.  I told her not to worry because I now I knew it had been found.  (Several of the other teachers that saw my FB post were disappointed that they hadn't gotten to school earlier.) 

About a day later I received a message on IG with this picture.  A young woman was at the park with her friend and her friend's little girl and they found it.  The little girl loved it so much the young woman gave it to her.  Then two days ago I got another notification on IG that another one of the packages had been found at another park in our area.  I had told them both that it made me happy to know that they were found and they were appreciated.  

So as of now 4 of the 5 packages I dropped are accounted for.  I still haven't gone to look if the last one is still tied to the bench.  I'm fine with what I do know.  

Would I do this again?  Not sure.  Although my name is signed on the back of these paintings, I did not want to provide too much information on the envelope.  An e-mail address would probably be a better, more commonly used way to contact someone as most people have e-mail.  Not so with Instagram.  I do have two instagram accounts - one that is only visible to friends/family who have requested to follow that I share family photos on, and the other one that is public for sharing of my art.  I specifically used the public account for this activity.  I guess I could set up a specific e-mail account and I might give that some more thought.  I really don't want to leave my personal e-mail info out there to be in the wind.


  1. So glad someone discovered your sunflower canvases! I am sure they brightened up their day! What a fun idea!

  2. I'm glad that you got to hear back. And with a suitably smiling anonymised photo, too. I confess that I probably wouldn't know how to treat on IG, my tech skills don't stretch to social media.

  3. I'm happy that you have had some feedback on your art. I am thinking I will do some of the hearts that I'm seeing 'round and about the internet and leave them outside to see what might happen. Spreading a little joy is always a good thing.


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