Sunday, March 12, 2023

Little Celebrations and Party Birds

We did have our Cheese Doodles last Sunday on Cheese Doodle Day.  HWNSNBP had the orange fingers to show for it.  I used my finger chopsticks on my helping.  He picked up a snack pack of Oreo's at the local convenience store so I could have them with milk on Monday to celebrate Oreo Day.  We don't get the big bag anymore because it's too much of a temptation to keep eating them.  

Monday was also Fun Facts About Names Day and I remembered that I had shared the story of my name with someone recently - the brother of my school colleague that I had visited.  I forget how exactly we got to the point of discussing how my name was chosen but I did tell them that I always thought that my parents had some romantic notion of going to the Lorraine region of France.  But that illusion was shattered when my mother told me that Lorraine was the name of a carpet store in the town that my father hailed from and they used to pass it on the way back to her house when they were dating.  I guess that's a little romantic without the France part. 

Tuesday was Plant Power Day and you can see the hellebores outside the dining room window powering through the dusting of snow that we received.  (We still haven't had any significant accumulation this winter.)  HWNSNBP waited until this melted to plant two of the new hellebores that we picked up at Trader Joe's last week.  They were reasonably priced and in full bloom but they needed to be in the ground and so far they've handled the temperature changes well.  We like these because the deer don't bother them.

Thursday was Meatball Day so we decided to get a meatball parmigiana sandwich to split for lunch.

I got tagged for jury duty again - this time for District Court in Trenton.  I was tagged for county last year and did not have to report on the days I was assigned.  I got this notification in December and, to be honest, disregarded it.  So they caught up with me and in the letter I received this time said that if I didn't fill out the form (either the paper or on line) I could be legally required to report to fill it out in person at the office in Trenton.  Not wanting to do that, I contacted my cardiologist to see if he would fill out the form to excuse me - this based on the medications that I take and what they're for and the office manager said they would.  So back and forth with the form and e-mails to Trenton made for some busy work this week.  Last I heard, they are processing my request.  This is the 6th time I've been called upon and I know some people who have never been called - go figure.

Friday was HWNSNBP's birthday and also the International Day of Awesomeness (which I didn't tell him about - he already knows how awesome he is).  We were busy running around during the day and met with some friends for an early dinner.  He just wanted us to pick up a couple of slices of cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory for dessert when we got home.  That was a nice treat.  I'll show his card in a couple of days.  I'm not quite liking something about it right now and need to fix it before I take a picture.

Some new plants we picked up at The Great Swamp Nursery

Yesterday was Worship of the Tools Day.  I didn't do any worshipping but I was thankful for the new battery-operated glue gun I got for Christmas so I could fix the new wreath rail I made for the back door without having to take it down.  I guess I hadn't glued the tube-ribbon shamrocks well enough and noticed that they popped apart.  I'm finding that the glue doesn't set as fast as my previous glue gun, so I have to hold things in place longer.  Thank goodness for fingernails.

I painted these birds the other day and despite the fact that I watched the video twice (and took notes) I can only use the excuse that I started them late at night and did them completely wrong.  You start with a heart shape for the body and they're supposed to be upside-down.  Then you add the head and the tail.  And the legs.  Totally done wrong, but I think I salvaged them all right.  I was going to use them for Art and Found Day today but didn't feel like mounting and packaging them up and it's supposed to rain heavily tomorrow and they would be exposed to that.  So I'll save them for ............

They're done on 4x6" watercolor paper and are called Party Birds because they are far from realistic and just having fun.


  1. Lovely birds, happy birthday to hubby!

  2. Don't get me started on jury duty - I too have been on their list far too many times. The fact that I have 'housewife' listed as my occupation means I was ripe for the picking. I've ended up on two juries, both of which were totally ridiculous wastes of tiem for everybody involved. The last time I received a notice from them I wrote them a very polite letter informing them that I had done my civic duty and was fed up with being picked on (when absolutely nobody else I knew had ever been on the list). I also told them that I would be prepared to find whoever was being tried guilty - no matter what the facts were. Then I sat back and waited to be carted off to jail. Haven't (touch wood) heard from them since. I also told them that even though the $ paid to jurors was a paltry sum it was highly unfair that just because I was a housewife I got nothing....and yet I had to pay for a babysitter for my kids in order to show up. I know it's my civic duty to serve, but I couldn't see why it had to cost me money. (climbing off my soapbox now....)

  3. Your birds are sweet and colorful. Would look great on a card.

  4. Love, love your birds. I think the purple ones are my favourites. And your new plants. Poor hellebores, it may not be much snow but it's still enough to battle through.
    We were just talking about jury duty with friends the other day. I've been sworn in a couple of times and then the defendant has pleaded guilty. Last time, we had a holiday booked so I was excused. DH has only been called once...and his gel saddle cover was stolen from outside the court :-(. I hope you get processed through to a duty excused. There must be a better way of doing things!


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