Sunday, February 28, 2021

The100DayProject - Week 4 and Selfies With the Grandson

It was a busy week for phone calls and I also spent the better part of a day cleaning out my e-mail accounts.  It's amazing how fast they accumulate.  Admittedly there are some daily e-mails that I pass over so I can go through them maybe once or twice a month.  Those are from some crafting sites that do daily mail.  But I would say that the majority of my e-mail comes in the form of advertisements for new products or sales.  That said, because I don't go through them right away, sometimes those that are purely correspondence sometimes go unanswered for a bit.  I must improve on this.  

Here are the tags from the last 7 days.

This one is a fail.  I call it "Deconstructed Orange".  I don't know what I was going for but unlike real stitching, once I put the pen to paper I cannot take the stitch out.  I do practice what I'm going to put on the tags before I actually do them, specifically so I can chose the right colors and size of the subject.  But I just don't know what happened here.

And another faux stitching lesson learned - I regret the direction of the stitches in those petals.  I think it would have looked nicer (and neater) if they were all from the center outward instead of horizontally.

This one is based on a photo that I took several years ago.


We made a quick trip to DE on Saturday and got to spend some time with our daughter and her family.  This little guy is a bundle of energy and so much fun.  He is still grabbing at our glasses so they gave him a pair of his to play with to try to keep his hands off ours.   He is such a ham. 

Papa's phone is in a waterproof case that has seen better days - can you tell?

We got out second vaccine on Friday with no apparent side effects - just a little bit of a sore arm for me, but not like it was the first time.  I will say that we're tired today, but that may very well be just from travelling yesterday.  We left in rain yesterday and returned in sunshine which was nice, but the rain is back today.  And though the weather here is yucky, it's nice in Florida where the Yankees are playing their first spring season game - it's definitely a nice diversion.  

1 comment:

  1. How lovely to have some family time. Did the glasses ploy work! Gosh yes, I remember how young children are always grabbing at your glasses.
    I just adore your first tag with the chubby little bird. And I like the pink flowers even though in hindsight you'd have changed the stitching direction - I think I have a Unity stamp very like that. I also like the little cottage and mountains. And the flamingo. Yay for no major side-effects. Apparently a lot of hospital staff here, in a hospital where a friend's husband works, had such bad side effects from the second shot that they were having to go home. A little sore and a little tired is ok compared with what it could be - and worth it for the end result.


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