Friday, February 19, 2021

More Backyard Birds

The birds have been very active in the backyard this winter.  I'm sure the snow has "hidden" a lot of their food which is why we make sure to keep the feeders topped off and at the ready with a fresh suet cake. 

This Cardinal couldn't help but stand out against the gray backdrop yesterday.  It was snowing and when I went to edit the picture to zero in on him more, I could actually see the "streaks" from the very fine snow falling so zeroing in on him really didn't make it any clearer.

At one point there were about 7 or 8 Bluebirds around the suet feeder waiting their turn.  I was transferring pictures from my camera card to the computer at the time and didn't realize that the card wasn't in the camera and was snapping away.  I was excited that I got a really good picture of 5 of them on the clothesline and then realized that the card wasn't in the camera.  Luckily, I was able to quickly install it to get the remaining 4.

There were two Northern Flickers hanging around yesterday.  When they approach the feeding area straight on their yellow underbellies and wings really show up.  I hope to get a picture of that someday.


Junco, Bluebird, and Flicker just hanging out.

It's a mealworm party going on.

And here's a sneak peak at something with wings I've been painting.


  1. I meant to type ‘ pretty birds’. We will see what comes from those wings.

  2. Oh!! Well, that is a bonus with the cold weather, more birds coming to where they know they will be fed. I love the underview of the flicker. So annoying when that happens with camera...I've done it more than one with my previous one, but my current one won't actually take a picture unless the card is in.


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