Sunday, May 2, 2021

The100DayProject - Week 13 and Days 61-80 Recap - And a New Puzzle Done!

 I'm mushing all these things together today so I can get moving on some projects indoors and out.

I know I missed Autism Awareness Day at the beginning of April and thought that April was Autism Awareness Month but I've seen it listed as both April and October.  Anyhoo, here is my blue puzzle piece for Autism Awareness.

This is a bit of a fail for me. The bird's head/face is not really a good portrayal of the actual bird.  

This was actually inspired by an oil pastel drawing I had done on a trip to Cape Cod with my sister Karen and my mother after my sister Andrea passed away in 2002.  I was her replacement on the trip they had planned.  

This one is in honor of my two grandson's who both enjoy their cars and trucks.  This reminds me of the Tonka trucks that we bought for our son when he was a little boy.  They were the metal ones and we have passed some of them on to his son.  

I am a week behind on posting this photo of days 61-80.  This goes back to the first week in April and the reason I didn't get it sooner is because I've been working on something that was on top of the cutting matt since then.  I didn't remember, until today, that I have another smaller cutting matt that I could use for the photo.  You can tell this is an older, well-used one by the staining from previous projects.

The larger cutting matt was covered with the puzzle table.  My blogging buddy Sabrina sent me this puzzle for my birthday and I started it on the evening of Easter Sunday.  I have to say that this has been one of, if not the most challenging puzzles that I have done.   I usually start by doing the edge of the puzzle but this one is irregular so I had to rethink my approach and started by choosing areas of colors so I could pick out those pieces and get those areas done.  I did not realize how long and wide this was going to be.  As you can see, I had HWNSNBP give me a couple of extra pieces of the masonite top to lay on the top drawers while they were extended so I could fit the puzzle top to bottom.  I didn't know until I was finishing up the bottom last night that the puzzle would be wider than the puzzle table.  It's finished size is 38.5" x 26" (995 pieces).  

There were some hidden figures in the puzzle pieces like the salt shaker one pictured on the box, a couple of birds, and a couple of starfish.  Thank you Sabrina.  This brought me many hours of enjoyment over the last month.  I will keep it together for a few more days before boxing it up again.  


  1. Lovely pieces and good job on the puzzle!

  2. Oh, that instantly made me think of my brother's Tonka trucks - spot on. And I like your lighthouse one, though the memories it brought back must have been bittersweet.
    I'm glad you enjoyed the puzzled. I couldn't do the edges first either - colour piecing was the way I went too. I have mine out to make again - if this unseasonable weather with hail and high winds keeps up, I'll be making a start this week - it's no weather for gardening.


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