Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Every Seven Days - a continuation (PLUS)

Just a few catch up photos with the Every Seven Day challenge this time.

This little bluebird was playing peek-a-boo behind that twig.  How I wish the twig wasn't there.

This is where the background color came for that picture above.  Our Japanese Maple is in full glory and the sugar maple near it has finally turned yellow.

These colors were the inspiration for the Every Seven Day Challenges these last two weeks.

Week 18 - Mandala
Using sugar maple, Japanese maple, ornamental grass, blue salvia, lamb's ears, acorn caps, and a chrysanthemum blossom.

With a little bit of rearrangement.

Week 19 - From the Heart
This challenge is worldwide and the theme this week "From the Heart" is dedicated to all who need a little extra love.  The challenge originator aimed this particularly at the citizens of the US who are waiting for the results of a very contentious presidential election.  Our angst is felt worldwide.

A Japanese maple heart amongst the leaves of an autumn olive bush.

I don't know what this plant is below.  It might be some kind of wild rose bush in its infant stage.  I found it growing in one of the raised flower beds and was drawn to it's red leaves still wet from the recent rain.  The leaf looked like a jeweled heart.  I couldn't use this for the Every Seven Day challenge because that has to be something that you "create" from nature.  I think nature did a pretty good job of creating this on it's own.

I picked out some new plants on a recent trip to the Great Swamp Nursery.  HWNSNBP picked out the pot.  The tall plant and the plant on the lower right side are varieties of the snake plant.  The plant on the left side is called String of Turtles (Peperomia).  I thought these animal-names plants would make a good combination.

Don't these little leaves look like a turtle shell?

And now for my PSA.  During my purging I've been sorting things in the living room and must have dropped this little nail on the carpet without knowing.  When vacuuming the carpet I unknowingly sucked it up and didn't know what was causing the whining noise.  We checked the rotating brush and it seemed to be caught up on something but neither of us could get our hand far enough up into the rotor to find the jam.   I took the attachment off, of course, and in the process of moving it around, grabbed the top of it and felt something sharp.

I know it's a bad picture, but I indicated what I saw and felt below. The nail had been forced right up through the top of the attachment and my guess is if it didn't have a flat head, it would have gone right through.  So I will be more careful about accidentally vacuuming up nails in the future.  (HWNSNBP had to pound the nail backwards very carefully so it didn't bend in the process or we wouldn't have been able to get it out and free up the rotor.)


  1. oh how terrible about that nail. I almost missed the little bluebird there. Lovely post.

  2. Lucky you to even get to see a bluebird. I never have, despite them being around the area. I love snake plants because I have yet to kill one (of course there's always a first time!!). Glad you were able to wrestle the nail out of the vacuum safely.

  3. I absolutely love that wet leaf photo. And the two of the wreaths, they instantly made me think of kaleidoscopes, especially since you just rearranged some elements and kept the geometry. I used to think they were like magic!


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