Wednesday, November 11, 2020

End of Origami Week - Who Knew?

I just saw in my favorite blog feed that Every Day is Special posted that today is End of Origami Week.  Of course, I didn't know that, but I just happened to have some origami that I was going to post soon.

There was an old cardboard cheesecake box dated use by 1999 in our "storage room" that wasn't labeled (of course) with what it might contain and it felt very light but when I shook it I knew that there was definitely something inside.  When I opened it I found a bunch of little origami pieces.  Specifically a rainbow set of cranes and gold stars. I remember that when I was subbing I used to carry a little pack of origami paper in my go bag and when I had some time prep time, I would fold something.

What could I do with the cranes?  It just so happens that another bag of stuff that I had recently found had some gold beads and drapery rings in it.  This bag of goodies came from one of the teachers that used to work in my school.  When her parents were being moved into senior living quarters, she was cleaning out their house and would bring me the craft supplies.  Some of it I knew that I would never use, but I didn't take the time at the time to go through it and just stuffed it into that room.  Well, in this case I was glad that I held onto this stuff.

Because with a little sturdy quilting thread, those beads, the drapery ring, and the cranes became this...

It's not staying outside.  Right now it's hanging in the kitchen, but I have to find a better place for it.

And here are the foil stars.  I don't remember what I had in mind for them either, but I'll come up with something.

And just for the heck of it, a little more rainbow color from yesterday.  Sitting at my computer in the dining room my view to the kitchen window was rewarded with the sun catching my gypsy rod and illuminating some of it.  Funny, when I stood up, it wasn't as bright and beautiful.  I guess I was in the right place at the right time and just happened to be transferring pictures from my camera so I had it at arm's reach.  (And you can see the new glass dragonfly that we just added this week.)

I hope you find a rainbow today.


  1. How funny, I just happened to be doing some origami yesterday. I too was tidying, and found a kit with a string of LED lights and some origami paper. So I'm busy making tulips... Your cranes are beautiful - but certainly not for outdoors. The colours are beautiful. The stars, they wouldn't have been for something like a kusudama ball?? They don't look quite the same, though. Beautiful light on your gypsy rod.

  2. Didn't know there was such a thing as an origami week! It was a lucky find when you came across the cranes and the stars (perhaps they were meant for the Christmas tree?).


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