Thursday, April 6, 2023

Weeks 5 and 6 of The 100 Day Project 2023

I've been in a fog these last couple of weeks and apparently missed posting Week 5 of my project.  I have been doing them but I have felt almost paralyzed at times trying to first, find a word that has brought joy to me, and second, a word that fits into the space I've allotted myself.  I don't think I've ever experienced depression, but circumstances involving multiple family health situations and other relationships have had me on the brink lately and I'm really trying to keep my head above the waterline for those that really need me.  And as someone who struggles with easy weight gain, I'm trying not to have food be the source of most of my joy.  These little celebrations that we've been having a lot of times do revolve around food, but we like to look for the smallest quantity of that particular food item so there isn't more temptation around.  But I am sticking with this and will keep on trying to find the joy in every day.

It appears I've even missed the Jingle Belles challenge for this last fortnight and I even had a good idea for that photo inspiration they posted.  I also meant to get out Easter cards but I'm going to have to settle for the ones I'm making for the kids and grandkids this time aournd. 

HWNSNBP has been "holey" engulfed in completing a birthday project for GS1 who will be celebrating his golden birthday on Friday.  I'll have more to share about that in the future.  


  1. These colours bring joy Lorraine, sorry it is not the best of times for you.

  2. These colours are joyful Lorraine sorry it is not the best of times for you right now

  3. Even a little joy each day is good for the soul. I hope things improve soon. Look forward to seeing the 'holey' project.

  4. Sometimes it's hard to find joy and somehow it seems even harder since the pandemic hit. You might like to try taking 5HTP along with Vitamin D and I highly recommend a 'happy light'. I went off my anti-depressants a few years ago and replaced them with the 5HTP & Vit D and, along with an hour of the light every day, I haven't needed to go back on them. Just something you might like to try.

  5. Do keep doing the word challenge. They are beautiful ideas. I've been on the blink lately as well as you can probably tell from my lack of commenting on your blog. Mr. G just had a birthday which brings back memories, and I've been put on a new medication that has blasted my appetite and put me to sleep, literally. Hang in there girl, keep your fascinating work going. I LOVE seeing it.


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