Sunday, April 30, 2023

End of April Days

 April 14th was Look Up at the Sky Day - Here's looking up at the sky from under a frittilary looks like.

We had a lot going on in and around the house the last part of the month.  The house and garage got power washed and the new furnace was inspected (and passed).  We had already turned on the air-conditioner during the week of the 90° temps but also had the annual check-up scheduled for the next week.  The tall dead elm tree that sat on the property line was taken down (along with two more of the neighbor's trees).  And there were more health-related days with physicals and bloodwork, etc.  I did get to go to lunch with a former coworker that I haven't seen in months, and had tea with two of my good friends. 

They still had their upside-down tree decorated for Easter.

We had bananas on Banana Day (4/19), and celebrated pretzel day (4/16) with soft pretzels from Wawa.  HWNSNBP found Devil Dogs at Quik Check in time for Devil Dog Day (4/27) and an oatmeal cookie from Panera for Oatmeal Cookie Day (4/30).  

Big Word Day was 4/21 and here's one for you - Palimpsest - a manuscript or something written or created over something else that is still visible.  Something you see when an artist does a sketch and then changes it as they've painted without completely erasing or covering the original sketch.  Something also that they can find with scanning old artworks to see what lies beneath.  

Our first Table 7 member turned 70 this month and HWNSNBP suggested a theme for his card that involved his sports officiating.  I was lucky to have black and white striped paper in my stash as well as the football and basketball textured paper.

There were a couple of other birthdays.  I used these tags that I had created a while ago that were in my stash, added somemore embellishments to them and the card base.  Luckily one was hand-delivered and the other went in a box with something else in the mail so those larger flowers didn't get crushed. 

We delivered a raised bed planter to our son and daughter-in-law.  Here is GS1 helping set it up.

And the forget-me-nots are in full bloom both in the garden and everywhere else they've drifted.

May will be a busy month too.  GS3 is on the way, maybe sooner than later.  


  1. An upside down Easter tree - rather cool! I love Forget-me-nots but they can be invasive. They make up for that in being pretty.
    Oooh - a new GS? Lucky you!

  2. The upside down tree is cool. Yay on the new furnace. Love the forget-me-nots, such pretty flowers. My favourite photo, though, is the look up at the sky one. Beautiful.


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