Friday, April 29, 2022

April Photo Round-Up

I'll post my April birthday cards in a couple of days - still waiting for one to arrive.  But in the meantime, these were the "odd holidays" that I/we celebrated.

Draw A Bird Day - April 8th
Mrs. Bluebird and a large frogmouth which looks like a made up bird but it is real.

National Grilled Cheese Day - April 12th
We had two varieties and split them so we could taste both.  One had macaroni and cheese and the other had pulled pork.

National Devil Dog Day - April 27th
I remember as a child we used to be able to get one single Devil Dog at the corner store for a nickel.  They don't sell them as singles anymore and they're a lot more than a nickel now.  (But just as tasty!)

You would think with the cooler Spring we've been having that the flowers would be scarce but not so.  The daffodils have lasted longer because they didn't burn up with the heat.  The wildflowers have been a little slower to bloom but they are really popping out now.  There's Spring Beauty all over the lawn and unfortunately, the Marsh Marigold that I spent HOURS trying to weed out last spring are back with a vengeance.  I will let them be now because I need to focus on weeding other areas.  Yes, cooler weather doesn't mean less weeds sadly.  

We have several varieties (colors) of wild violets.

And several varieties of hellebores - these are a creamy yellow-to-pink.

We bought a poppy plant for the flower bed and one of them broke off so I brought it in.

These beauties have spread like wildfire.  I wish that they lasted all summer.

And look what decided to put out two more flower stalks.  They are not even half as tall as the first two but a surprise nonetheless.  HWNSNBP also found another one in the basement with flower buds.  He brought that up so we can enjoy it when it does bloom.

A golden sunset from one day into the month of April and......

tonight's - one day short of the end of April.


  1. mmmmm- I love grilled cheese! Didn't realize there was a 'day' though.
    Your flowers are beautiful. We're just starting into daffodils here because we're still not consistently into double digit temps (we measure in celcius). This morning it's just 2C right now and it was likely below freezing overnight.

  2. The frogmouths are amazing, aren't they. That one in the Photo Ark book (which I got DH to get for me), I thought it was a baby owl at first.
    Wow, I've never seen a yellow violet before - beautiful. So are the hellebore, I love the texture of those petals. We had them growing in a wild area of the garden when I was little. under the cooking apple trees.
    Cool on the hippeastrum surprise - they do look funny on those shorter stems. And what beautiful sunsets to see the month in and out with.


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