Saturday, January 15, 2022

Happy National Bagel Day and a Few More Pics

It's a cream cheese on an everything bagel for me today! Something about the warmth of the garlic, the nuttiness of the sesame seeds, the salt, and the cream cheese that makes it a great meal for a cold winter day especially when the wind chill when you wake up is -4º.  Thanks to HWNSNBP who stood in line at the bagel shop for 20 mins. to make sure I had this today.

Looking up last night I loved the way the light from my computer illuminated the paper ornaments on the light fixture.  I am contemplating making some of these with watercolored papers.

My dear, sweet husband has a habit of wanting to have a conversation with me when I'm in the middle of listening to something.  It's not as bothersome when I'm reading because I can put what I'm reading down or mark the place I left off.  When it's a movie or tv show however, it can be very frustrating because undoubtedly he'll strike up the convo or ask the question at the most inopportune time and through the most important dialogue.  I have learned to have the remote handy so I can rewind when this happens (all too often) because he doesn't like being shushed.  Then he'll ask me what's going on in the show and I'll have to pause to explain it to him.  It's a challenge.  Does this happen elsewhere?  

Why did I mention that, well because this also happens when I'm trying to follow a class, or video on the computer as it did while I was attempting to fold this owl from a dollar bill.  I would have been pausing and rewinding anyway, but if he's in the vicinity he throws my concentration totally off.  

Our red amaryllis started blooming around Christmas day.  These blooms are done now but there was a second stalk of blooms that are just beginning to open.

We also have a white one for the first time I believe.  When we moved it to the table one of the blossoms broke off so I put it in a vase on the kitchen counter.

The sun hitting the petal reminded me of the same sparkle you see when the sun hits the snow.

And speaking of snow, I think my crystal ball is telling me that an upside-down octopus means there's snow in the forecast.  The weather stations are ever changing with the amount, but we'll see some for sure.  Just hoping the wind will not be a factor.


  1. Loving your amaryllis blooms, have never noticed white ones. I am the same with being interrupted Lorraine, you must be introverted, we like to focus deeply haha.

  2. I don't think I've seen a white amaryllis either - always red and varying shades of pink with perhaps some white on the edges. This year I'm lucky and have two - the first one bloomed really oddly; it had the normal tall stem with four flowers but then another stem started at the bottom and only grew about 2" before it bloomed with another 3 blooms. Looks like the other one is going to just be tall.


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