Monday, April 30, 2018

Catching Up With April Pics

A sunset from a couple of weeks ago.  With the days getting longer, we usually can make it to the condo before the sun sets now.

Taste-testing a new flavor of m&m's - Orange Vanilla Cream.  They taste like Creamsicles, the vanilla ice cream wrapped in orange sherbet popsicles.  Whenever a new flavor of m&m's comes out I like to have a taste-test with the staff at school.  I let them know via e-mail that I have them at my desk and that they should drop by during the day and give a try.  I keep a sheet next to the bowl for them to tally Y, N, or M (maybe).  It's fun to get their reactions.  These seemed to be a hit.  We'll see if the m&m company keeps them around. 

Little Picasso.  

Investigating the whirlygig that grandpa made him for Christmas.  He loves to be outside!

Oops!  I didn't realize that my camera bag was open as I was taking it out of the car the last time we came home from our weekend away.  The camera fell out of the bag onto the driveway and hit smack dab on the lens cap which immediately popped off.  This was the result.  I think I was lucky in that the lens itself did not break, just the plastic ring that holds the lens cap on.  I was able to use superglue to hold it together.  I will just have to remember to be very ginger with removing the lens cap from now on.  

The fog we woke up to on Saturday morning was even thicker than this.  Thankfully it burned off in a couple of hours and stayed relatively pleasant so we could do some saling - of the garage/yard type.

These were my purchases along with with a little plastic adirondack chair for a little boy who can use it when he visits.  The wooden fish was marked $4 and I paid $2.  It will be sanded and repainted. The same with the recipe box which will fit my ICAD's if I choose to use 3 x 5's this year (BTW - that will be starting in June if anyone is interested in participating this year).  I bought the phone cords for work.  I like the longer cord so I can "get places" not too far from my desk and they're always tangling and those plastic clips give out after a while.  Technology always gives me the raised eyebrow when I ask them for one, so at 50 cents, how can I resist.  These should last me until I retire!  Oh, and the adding machine tape..... that's for taking notes on.....a future project for HWNSNBP to make me a "dispenser" for it.   Also not pictured, a pair of unfinished wooden shoes. Now you know who gave me the raised eyebrow on those!  I forget if he asked "what are you going to do with those" or said "I'm not even going to ask."  They're going to be planters..... you'll see.

We did some exploring and then stopped at "The German Butcher" for lunch.  This building is adjacent to their parking lot.  Isn't that door intriguing?

We finally are having a bit of pleasant spring weather.  Not too cold and not too hot.  I think the spring wildflowers are more appreciative of the cooler weather.  These Confederate violets are outside our back door and they've never been this intense before.  I'm actually quite happy to see it look like this but I may come to regret it as they are self-sowers and I have a feeling that next year the walkway will be needing a lot of weeding.  But for now I will totally enjoy them.  I'm half-tempted to candy some of them.  I never have before because I've never had as many (this is only a portion of what's really out there).  If I do, I'll post pictures.  Better add superfine sugar to that shopping list now.


  1. You cute grandson's a leftie!

  2. Lots of eye candy here! And I wonder if we'll see those M&Me here, they sound like a trip down memory lane with those flavours. I like the foggy photo, but good that it cleared up for you. That door...oh my, that's card inspiration for sure!!
    I had something similar with my camera twice, in my case it was the protective UV filter which came off badly...but I think that just having something to absorb the initial impact saves the lens from anything worse - I think we've both been lucky!

  3. Must admit to being intrigued about that new flavour of M&M's. I have fond memories of loving creamsicles when I was a kid.


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