Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Before the Frost

Picked the last of the tomatoes over a week ago and forgot to post these pictures.  These are cherry tomatoes and what was left on two plants.  I have them in the box in a sunny window and they are continuing to turn red.  

And we picked some of what is left of the flowers that are still blooming.  We were supposed to have a frost the other night but it didn't quite get there.  Still, HWNSNBP has been pulling out everything that looks tired and spent and tucking some things in here and there that just might overwinter.

View from the top.  Zinnias, dahlias, and Montauk daisies.

We also brought the lemon tree(s) in.  But first I trimmed the thorns off.  Yes, a lemon tree has thorns.  They might not look too threatening, but believe me, if you brush past it and get caught on one you'll know it.  I found that the heavy-duty nail clippers worked much better and faster than the regular clippers.  I was able to get really close to the base with that.

I believe that you call this Hen of Woods growing on the side of one of our trees.  It's about 25 feet up and not reachable.  I've read that you can forage these and cook them, and that they're supposed to be good.  If it were more accessible I might be tempted to try that.  Maybe it's good it's higher up.

This picture was taken with the zoom from the inside the house so you can see it's pretty large.

And our friendly ghost is keeping watch with his mourning dove sentinels.

The weather here has been like a roller coaster.  We were supposed to have a frost but didn't and now they're forecasting unseasonably high temps for the next couple of days.  That's fall for you.


  1. I love fried green tomatoes, but rather hard to fry up tiny tomatoes. You sure did bring in a few.

  2. We just had a few days of breaking heat records and this morning woke up to some dreaded white stuff. Hopefully it decides it doesn't want company for quite awhile yet!
    Seeing that growth on your tree reminded me that I saw some at a local craft show - they had scenes painted on them.

  3. I like the doves, we don't have those here. I think we do occasionally have that fungus but here it's a chicken not a hen. A beautiful last hurrah from the garden.


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