Monday, September 25, 2023

Another Anniversary and a Birthday

I did make a card for HWNSNBP for our anniversary but not recently.  It was something I had in my stash from a few years ago and I didn't take a current picture of it.  I can tell you though that it had 2 lovebirds on the front.  Maybe I'll get a picture in the next couple of days when it gets sunny again.  

As we've done for the past few years, we planned a little day trip down to Cape May on Friday so we left for the condo on Thursday afternoon hoping to get a little fishing in before we lost the sunlight.  Well, we were the only ones out there fishing and much to our dismay, we didn't stay long because we were pretty much attacked by a gang of sea gulls.  They weren't attacking us but our fishing lines and bobbers.  No sooner did we cast into the water than they were hovering over the bobber ready to grab it and pull it up to get the bait off the hook.  Of course, if you yank it back at the wrong time you run the risk of hooking the gull and trust me, you're not going to pull that gull in.  You're definitely going to lose the hook and bait but if you're lucky, the bobber will remain.  After a few attempts at trying to fend them off, we gave up and went back to the condo.  Not more than 15 minutes later I noticed that someone pulled into the parking lot across the street where the dock is and proceeded to feed the gulls from their car.  Needless to say, it's not legal and frowned upon to do it, but there are those regulars that come several times a day.  So the sea gulls have become accustomed to it.  The plus for the evening was catching a beautiful sunset.

We took our time leaving for our trip the next morning and regretted it when we got down there as it was very busy with people so we didn't stay long.  We also didn't eat at the Lobster Dock like we usually do because it was extremely windy from the impending storm.  Instead, we got back on the Parkway and went to the Grilled Cheese and Crabcake Company in Somers Point for lunch.  

On the way back from lunch we stopped in Manahawkin at Anna Banana's Bakery to check out what they had advertised as their Harry Potter Week celebration.  

We entered at 9 3/4

We checked out what they had in the case.  There was much more spread around the shop including specialty HP cookies, candies, and even pretzel wands.

I ordered a butterbeer which tasted like an extra fizzy cream soda with caramel on the whipped cream.

And I also got a sorting hat cupcake (which fell over in the car, thus the messy top).  HWNSNBP ordered another non-HP treat and we enjoyed those later when we got home.

Apparently I have been sorted into the House of Ravenclaw and I think that these characteristics do fit me to some extent - witty, intuitive, intelligent, quick-thinking, creative, wise, and independent.  

The cupcake was delicious by the way.  That was a brownie cookie for the brim of the hat and the filling was icing.  

Saturday was my mother's birthday and I did make a brand new card for her.  It started with some watercolors blobbed onto a watercolor paper postcard to which I added a die cut of a bouquet of flowers.  Then I added a stamped Happy Birthday sentiment popped up.

I did a few of those watercolors to have on hand.


I whipped up a pistachio pudding pie that HWNSNBP took over to her in between all the rain.  We've had just a little bit short of 2 inches over the last two days and more in the forecast for tomorrow.  

HWNSNBP picked up flowers and ice cream (pumpkin/graham cracker) for me today, our 46th anniversary.  And it was quite by accident that while I was going through some boxes that we had stored in our bedroom, getting things together to donate to a rummage sale, that I came across this.....

our wedding cake topper.


  1. Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday to your mom. Love your cake topper!

  2. Sometimes the best laid plans turn into something even better.
    What a great surprise to discover your cake topper at such a time. Sweet.

  3. Happy, albeit now belated, anniversary! We celebrated our 44th in the air on our way out west.

  4. I'm sorry about the disappointments with the fishing and your usual dining experience, but the butterbeer looks and sounds delicious, and the cupcake has me thinking I might make brownies tomorrow. The loose watercolouring is great with the floral die-cut.


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