I made a couple of Halloween treat boxes based on a tutorial on Splitcoaststampers. Here's the link with the directions. I happened to just get an order of plastic card boxes which came in really handy for these.
I made a little card for each of the grandsons that fit perfectly inside with some Trick or Treat money.
The littlest with his first pumpkin.
Some of our teachers have younger children who go another school in our district and they catch the bus from our site in the morning. I made these little packets up for them because I knew they would have their costumes on this morning. So there was a little office trick or treating before school.
It rained in NJ today which put a bit of a damper on the festivities. We still had a costume parade at school, but we had to uninvite the parents because the school just could not accommodate them all safely. What a crazy afternoon with all the early pick-ups!
And our littles in their Halloween costumes today.
This little guy looks so happy in his dragon costume but he's not feeling well. He's got the coxsackie virus, poor baby. And he's really feeling miserable. They had visitors this weekend whose child was sick and didn't tell them. So they're very sad that he's missing his first Halloween. Our daughter said they're going to dress him in his costume next week and take him to the mall with a sign that says "Missed my first Halloween because I was sick."
So just a little PSA for all of us - "Don't Kiss the Babies". It's that season when all these viruses show up. Coxsackie is easily spread to the littlest ones because they put everything in their mouth, but one of the most harmful is the RSV virus which is highly contagious and can be fatal to infants and the elderly. Our older grandson had it when he was about 8 months old and wound up in the hospital and it was tortuous for him and his parents to have to have a tube inserted in his nose to drain the mucous. Working in a school I feel that I am in a petrie dish of germs sometimes, but I am constantly washing my hands and making every effort to keep my hands away from my face. And I don't go to work if I'm sick. It really bothers me when people show up to work and tell you that they're sick.
But I'll get off my soapbox now and hope that everyone had a great Halloween. Tomorrow we start Chapter 11 of 12.