I found the perfect pot for my new string of pearls plant don't you think?
Treasures amongst the weeds. On the cooler days we've had this summer (no so much last week, but there have been a few good ones) I've gotten to do some much needed weedingt all around the yard. Little treasures are sometimes found, like this forget-me-not blooming so late, a shell which someone must have put there because we're not near the beach here, and a, shall I guess, bluejay feather.
And the decision as to what is a weed and what is a wildflower. Here you see the tiny Scarlet Pimpernel and the not-so-much bigger wild Pinks. I tend not to yank these out when I come upon them much to HWNSNBP's dismay. Had he been doing the job, everything is fair game.
The birds are responsible for a lot of the little seedlings that we have, especially the poison ivy. But they also surprise me now and then with something worth cultivating, like this little holly plant. You can also see some cedar starts in this picture, but they do get yanked out as there are so many.
And a little bit of what is blooming now.
Vinca (aka Periwinkle)
I have a tendency to go for the pink/blue family of flowers. You may notice fencing around some of these - we have a terrible deer problem. When they find something they like, they devour it. We've learned what some of the plants are that they won't touch, but even then, if they're in a munching mood, nothing is totally safe. Of course, there are groundhogs and now rabbits again in the yard and they sometimes venture up near the back of the house for a little plant candy now and then. One can never be sure who the culprit is!