Saturday, March 6, 2021

The100DayProject - Week 5

Luckily I worked a little ahead on these because I had some oral surgery on Monday and the recovery has not been good - more at the end.....

I had to have a flying pig for March 1st.  You can't see in the picture, but there are some metallic silver highlights on the wings.  

This was based on a photo that I took of some flowers behind the fence of a sand dune.  I think I should have used a darker green for the foliage or something.  It's just a little vague - what do you think?

The suet cake thief is back.  Normally HWNSNBP would put the suet feeder in a plastic bag in his truck every night so the raccoon wouldn't get it.  He wasn't able to get through the mound of snow every night after that first big snowstorm and left it out and surprisingly, for a few weeks it was safe overnight.  Not anymore.  The snow is melting and it's easier for him to reach it so he's back to the old practice.

So here's what I learned after I had my tooth removed and the implant started.  I was prescribed an antibiotic which I knew that I could take after having the Covid vaccine, but I was also prescribed a non-narcotic pain killer (for pain obviously) and a steroid for swelling which, after talking with the pharmacist, I found out that these drugs were not recommended to take within two weeks of having the vaccine because they could limit the effectiveness of it.  And we had just had our second dose three days earlier.  So naturally, since I hadn't thought to ask the endodontist about it before I left the office being in that condition where you would just like to get out of there and get home than sit there and try to talk with a numb mouth, I called him and asked him and his response was that "he hadn't heard that" which really wasn't very helpful.  Basically he left it up to me and I chose to not take them so that I could feel more secure about the vaccine effectiveness.  He had also given me a scrip for a narcotic pain killer which I tried, but ultimately it made me feel worse so I've been basically relying on Tylenol and ice packs.  

So this is my PSA in sharing my story - do your homework better than I did.  I would have delayed the oral surgery for two weeks had I known about the possible drug interactions. 


  1. Oh Lorraine, I am so sorry to hear of your health issues. I hope you are feeling better each day, and are very soon back to your usual self:-)
    Your artwork is adorable, love the wee flying pig! And the one with the sand dunes and flowers is just so cute! It reminds me of a beach I know! Stay well,

  2. Lovely art first of all, but so sorry about what happened, we do have to double check everything ourselves I find.

  3. Your flying pig is sweet, but I think the raccoon is my favourite. The flowers on the dunes reminds me of Greece and France, there's a yellow poppy that grows right in the sand there.
    My sympathies and good wishes on the surgery recovery. C had the first step of his implants about three weeks ago now. He came home unable to speak at all that evening. It must have been pretty tough for the first few days for you with just Tylenol! I trust you are over the worst of it now; although last time I checked with C he said his stitches still haven't dissolved, most of the pain was gone after a week. I'm glad you had a clued-in pharmacist.


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