Saturday, March 28, 2020


First things first.   I didn't create that word and I don't know who did because googling it got me nowhere tonight but it certainly is appropriate for the time and what I've been practicing daily.

One of the artists that I follow on Instagram posted a link to a daily free Zentangle class being offered by a certified Zentangle instructor in Spain.  I had to figure out the time change for the feed which turned out to be 12:30 EST - perfect time for me to block out the newscast that HWNSNBP is usually glued to at that time.

It's all in Spanish - of which I understand about 1%, but I can follow along by watching what she is doing.  She usually has some soothing music in the background and listening to her speak is interesting.  I'm trying to figure out some of the words that I hear repeated.  We'll see about that. 

Anyway - if you have an Instagram account you can follow along with @mindandtangle .  You don't need any special paper.  Just start with a 3.5 x 3.5 inch square.  Grab a fine line marker, a pencil, and a tortillon or q-tip (used for blending the pencil) and you're good to work along.  She goes very slowly so you don't need to rush through.  And the live feed cuts off after an hour, but just tap in again to rejoin. 

So here's what I've gotten done so far and the tangles used  -

Baton, Tripoli, Membranart

Ixorus, Pearly, Sez, Dex

A-Dalfi, Fiore, Diva Dance, Dragon Scales

Amun, Sails, Florz

Fe-Ba, Edie, Frunky

Banderole, Diamond & Square, Log Jam

Feathers, Paizel, Tunnel Vision, Tipple

Panthe, Panepinto, Palrevo

Camelia, Mazorito, Moving Day

And the four with the diagonal stripe together.

Please do join in if you'd like to give it a try.  


  1. I love your Zentanbles!!!!!

  2. I can't get into the zone for this, but I wish I could - I am sure it is very therapeutic at a time like this. Definitely a focus on the zen side of it.
    Check your spam tomorrow in case your e-card ends up there ;-).


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