Saturday, February 29, 2020

Celebrating Leap Day

From the message board this week:

I had this up for 3 days and no one noticed that Caesar was spelled wrong!  And that was not on purpose.  Ugh.

We will be celebrating with pizza tonight - how about you?


  1. Oops sorry I missed that. Beautiful leap card.

  2. Happy Leap Day! I would not have noticed the spelling because, I don't know how to spell that name, either way. We had homemade mini bagels today and homemade mimi doughnuts are now resting. I didn't think about making a Leap Meal. That is a good idea.

  3. Your hippy little bunnies are so sweet. Your pizza reminded me of something I overheard on the bus recently. I can't remember the exact wording, but along the lines of "Italy isn't in France, it's a different country. Like, they speak Roman there." I'm sure you enjoyed your pizza.


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