Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Mini Scrap Collages 183-189/365

Sorry, everything is rush, rush, rush this week - first week back with staff and students - lots to get ready.  Work to bring home, preparing for staff luncheon first day, shopping for last minute supplies. I feel like my life isn't my own sometimes.  And it's defeating when you're too exhausted to even create ANYTHING.  I don't regret doing things for other people, but as I get older I find I ask myself the question more often "Why am I doing this?".  Am I ever going to get time to do for me what I want to do instead of what I have to do?  Ahhh, it's a conundrum. 


  1. Lovely pieces, to ease your conundrum.

  2. Must be something to do with the time of year - I feel as if I'm on a merry-go-round which isn't stopping right now.
    I don't think I can pick a favourite or even two this time, I like every single one of them.


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