Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Sketchbook Work - September 2024+

I don't have a regular sketchbook practice but every once and awhile I get on a roll.  These are some of the things that I worked on in September and I think a few of them were actually earlier than that but I'm just catching up now.  

This first is a tangle I had seen called Skalla by Theresa Fessler CZT.  In the true Zentangle method you are not supposed to use an eraser, but an eraser was very necessary when I did this.  Also, you are encouraged to do it in ink from the beginning but I did this in pencil first.  The basic tangle/shapes were done in Micron and then I added the glitter marker.   It's much prettier in real life.

Some things come up in my Pinterest feed and I usually just pin them to the specific category I have set up.  This time I decided to grab an index card and give this a try.

The same creator did something like this also which I chose to try in my sketchbook.

This tangle in the middle is called Stikz by Preeti Gupta which I did on another index card.  The framing is ad libbed similar to what I had seen her do.

I did it again in a smaller sketch pad I had at the condo one night and added my "maze" around it.

I got these owl stickers at the $Tree and kept forgetting to give them to GS2 and they were getting a little beat up in my travel art bag, so before they started flying off their page on their own I made a little owl mandala using some of them.

This was one of those neurographic art pages where you make the "scribbles" and then, using your ink pen, round the corners of the shapes.  I then went in with the glitter markers and filled in some of the spaces leaving a small portion of the white paper as a frame.  

It was a choice not to fill in everything hopefully adding to the design.

This was from the Sanntangle FB group page.  It's Tile #477.   It just looked very Halloweeny to me so i had to do it.  I had a 4" square of bristol paper that was perfect for it.  

The next 4 index cards where done on the fly.

This mandala was inspired by, believe it or not, a crocheted doily that I had seen somewhere online.  It is completely hand-drawn and colored using my own choices.  I have another one started but I'm also doing a couple of other challenges this month and haven't been able to quite complete that one yet.

I've been able to keep up with the Birdtober challenge (post coming soon) but I am behind on Inktober tangles.  Hopefully I'll get to catching up with that in the next couple of days - I finally found the paper for it that I wanted to use and will tell that story when I post the tangles.


  1. Wonderful details in your work!

  2. I think the first one already looks pretty amazing onscreen, so it must be fabulous in real life. I really like the sketchbook one (#3). The owl stickers are cute. The second last one makes me think of iris folding, and I think leaving some of the areas blank in the neurographic one is very effective. The crochet-inspired one is really beautiful.

  3. The Neurograhic page reminds me of the full page curvy one line drawing all over the page to be filled in with color we did in elementary school to take up time in class or recess time on a rainy day. Sometimes we would draw a line and trade with someone else to be colored in. Filling in with the black ink is an eye catching idea.
    Don't tell anyone, but I took a sneak peak of your webpage during church yesterday to get a doodle idea for my Bible Journal while listening to the sermon. Helps me concentrate on what he says among the distractions going on. Thank you.


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