Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Jingle Belles - Funny Ho! Ho!

Everyone has their way of celebrating the holidays and one of them can be with a little humor.  This fortnight the Jingle Belles have tasked us with coming up with a humorous holiday card.  I've had this Reinbeer stamp set for a bit and hadn't used it yet.  It is a little cheeky.

And here's a lesson that I should have learned before because it's happened to me in the past - try your stamps out when you get them.  Sometimes they are not made correctly or have a flaw that won't be detected by just looking at the uninked stamp.  You'll see what I mean below.  Fortunately, this flaw was easy to cover up.

I like to think that I can help put people at ease by injecting a little humor into the situation.  Of course, I'm not talking about life or death situations, but those everyday sometimes sticky situations.  Those times when a little humorous distraction can lighten the situation.  Like last week when I was getting my hair cut.  I was almost done in the chair when my hairdresser's next customer came over to tell her she was there.  This little woman was 94 years old and walked with a cane, but was rather chipper and was chatting away.  My hairdresser went to help her sit down in the chair next to mine and the woman lost her balance and fell backwards and lightly hit her head on the floor.  Well, that was enough to cause everyone to come running.  She wanted to collect her wits and just sit on the floor for a bit, but the salon personnel were all around her trying to get her up.  They wanted to call her daughter and let the daughter know she had fallen.  The lady told them not to call, that her son-in-law was in the car waiting for her.  But they called anyway as they left her to sit on the floor for a bit with just me to talk to.  She said she wasn't really hurt and was more upset that they were calling for help.  I told her that I was impressed with how graceful she fell and rolled with it and she laughed.  I then told her that she should probably get checked out at the emergency room because she might have a mild concussion (relying on my prior experience with such).  I think that little bit of humor about her rolling diffused the situation a bit and she thought about and agreed to get checked out.    While she was waiting for her SIL she continued to chat away and  I learned that she had had polio when she was 5. She shared a little of her experience of being sent away to a sanatorium as a child and how they were forced to go into the cold ocean water and told not to cry or they wouldn't get dessert.  I told her that she earned her dessert that day and she laughed again.  I'm pretty sure that she'll be okay but you have to worry with those frail little women.

Time to head over to the Jingle Belles to get a few giggles and Ho! Ho! Ho!'s!  by clicking here.


  1. You are such a kind person, I'm sure your humor and just being there helped your new friend! meanwhile I LOOOOOVE the reinbeer card... and of course... every time I see something beautiful that you've colored I want to practice more!!!! Thanks for joining our Funny Ho Ho challenge at Jingle Belles! ♥♥♥

  2. What excitement at your hairdresser! Glad she was ok, miraculously.

  3. one of my favorite stamp sets ... I love how you made an entire bucket ... so glad you shared some laughs with us at Jingle Belles (and kudos for you for helping diffuse the situation).

  4. Such a cute card. The lady was very lucky to have you there to lighten the mood a little bit. Hopefully she's okay.

  5. What a heartwarming post. Ian sure the humour helped big-time. Having gone through a stage when I quite regularly fainted, I know it's embarrassing to be the centre of attention and a little lightness helps a lot.
    I had to buy that stamp a few years ago, for obvious reasons. I love your colour scheme and layout with the bucket full of bottles.


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