Sunday, August 29, 2021

First Time Fisherman

GS1 stayed overnight with us recently and his choice was to come to the condo so we hoped that the weather would be good enough to try some fishing at the dock.  It was beastly hot that day.  We spent some time in the pool before we ventured across the street and hoped that the greenhead flies would leave us alone there.  They were such a nuisance at the pool.

Papa showed GS1 how to put out the bait on the bait station so it would be ready for quick baiting of the hooks.  Someone has to remain pretty near to it there so the gulls don't steal it.

This is how we put the bait on the hook.

And a lesson in how to cast.  This was a challenge for the 5-yr-old but he kept trying.

We weren't having much luck and he still wanted to fish so I was casting for him.  On the last cast I felt the fish going for the bait as soon as it hit the water and was able to set the hook before I handed him the pole.  "Where's the bobber grandma?" he asked.  It was under the water and I told him that meant he had a fish on the line and could start reeling it in.  The snappers give a little bit of a fight, enough to thrill the little guy.  He brought it in and lifted it over the rail and we got a picture just as the greenheads started going after his legs and drawing blood, so we knew it was time to stop and get back inside.  But this was a success for the first time fisherman!

GS1 loves Legos and has the regular sized ones at home that he uses.  We keep the larger Duplos out for now because GS2 is still too young for those when he's around, but GS1 loves to try his skills at what we've got.  

We had his favorite pizza with meatballs for dinner and did a puzzle while watching Raya and the Lost Dragon (or at least part of it - he lost interest and was ready for bed about half-way through).  

Oh, and earlier we had done some watercoloring but I don' have pictures of that - I do have a picture of the note he wanted to write to Papa with the chalk marker on the sliding glass door.....

He told me what he wanted to write and I told him what the letters were.  "Dear Papa I wish you good fishing".  We decided to have him draw a fish for fishing.  I'll leave this up there for the rest of the fishing season.  

HWNSNBP is used to getting up early, but this little guy woke up even earlier at 5:30 and they started their day by checking out the bay beach .....but the greenheads again. He wanted pork roll and eggs for breakfast which we all enjoyed and then prepared to take him home because he and his parents wanted to visit with his little cousin who was here from NC and would be leaving that day to go home.  

He starts Kindergarten in a few days - the summer has gone by so fast.   


  1. Our grandson (same age!) got to go fishing on the weekend for the first time too. They went to one of those pre-stocked fish places where you're pretty much guaranteed to catch rainbow trout. They ended up with each of them getting a fish which our son then had to clean and put in the freezer. I can just imagine the fun they had!

  2. What great quality time with GS1.

  3. What a wonderful visit it sounds! I'm so happy for him that he caught a real fish. I remember my older half-brother giving me a fishing rod for my birthday one year, and we went down to the pier but all I caught then - or ever - were crabs. Jigsaws are fun always :D. I hope he stays happy and healthy heading back to school.


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