Friday, July 5, 2019

ICAD Rainbow Ribbon Complete

When I planned this out I didn't take into consideration how far I would have to work ahead with the ribbon as it sometimes didn't stay on one card/level.  I think the longest was 10 days ahead, which really didn't affect me a lot because by the first week, I had a rhythm going with switching off the pencils.  

I chose to use colored pencils for the ribbon because of the quality of the index card paper.  I had been doing the rainbow ribbons in an art journal with markers and they blended well on that paper, but the index cards just soaked up the ink making blending kind of impossible.  The next choice was which pencils to use and I opted for a set of somewhat inexpensive pencils as I would be using a lot of them continuously and didn't mind running those down.

The 3" x 5" index cards proved to be a bit of a challenge with space left to use after the ribbon.  I didn't want to go to the 4" x 6" cards because I didn't want to have to color more ribbon.  It was a trade off that worked out okay.  I stayed on prompt and think I did a pretty good job with my interpretations.  

I am glad that I only did this for the first month.  Halfway through, I was beginning to doubt that it was a good plan, but after investing all the time to that point, there was no way I was going to abandon the plan.

Right now the cards are all temporarily taped together on the back with painter's tape until I take the time to replace that with clear packing tape.  Another thing I realized was that the index cards are not exactly the same size.  The differences are very slight and hardly noticeable, but taping them together made them obvious to me.

I'll be working on just the prompts for the remainder of the challege - no more theme.  


  1. It's gorgeous. I hope you are planning to frame it.

  2. Awesome!! I love it! You should frame it and have it hanging on a wall! Great effort!

  3. Wow, wow! It's fabulous, Lorraine. It looks amazing assembled together.

  4. Oh. Wow. Just wow. I had NO clue this was what you were doing and it's absolutely awesome. I would love to see this printed onto fabric (perhaps using Spoonflower....if that's the right name?).


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