Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Scribble Picnic - Happy New Year

Is that Frosty's Magic Hat full of holiday goodies?  A time capsule of what's gone before and what is yet to come?  As we begin 2018 we have a lot to look forward to.  There's a holiday for every day of the year and I've brought some props to our New Year's Scribble Picnic to celebrate some of them.  

It's a little wobbly I know.  I wasn't sure I'd make it to the picnic this week.  I had some dental surgery last week and it's taken more of the wind out of my sails than I had expected.  We're expecting a snowstorm overnight and I'm hoping it'll be a snow day.  I'll be wearing my pajamas inside-out, flushing ice cubes down the toilet, and this one's new to me - sleeping with a spoon under my pillow in the hopes that the phone will ring around 5 a.m. and I'll be able to relax another day.  We've only been back at school for the last two days, but I'm exhausted already.  I got out my "snow wand" at school today, and spun in my chair whilst waving it to lighten the mood.  The little crystal ball that Rachel gave me a few years back was consulted and I really think there's a very good chance for a SNOW DAY!  

There are many websites out there that have information about daily holidays.  The Daily Holiday Blog is a go-to for me.   They have a printable monthly calendar that I keep up in the office and have another one on our refrigerator at home.  With so much negativity going on in the world I find it nice to find something, even if it's wacky, to celebrate daily.  Even if it's just by sharing the knowledge of the day with someone else and getting a laugh out of it.  

So, I didn't choose a "word" of the year like I've seen many do, but I did scribble this in my journal trying out some new pens - the words to a song on an album by Danny Kaye that I had as a child and that I played for my children when they were very little.  I'm hoping to share it with our little guy too........

Happy New Year once again, and remember to be yourself and celebrate each day!

Now I'm off to visit with the other picnickers if I can stay awake a little while longer, otherwise I know I'll be wishing everyone at the picnic a Happy New Year soon.  You can too by clicking here.  And, as always, should you like to join in, the theme for next week is - YOUR FAVORITE FICTION.


  1. Wonderful New Year piece, hope you do get that snow day! Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Christine - Yes, we got the snow day. Not much snow here but the temps are so low and the wind is being wicked we already have a delayed opening scheduled for tomorrow. Looking forward to more Scribble Picnic adventures with you!

  2. I love everything about this post Lorraine :) I subscribed and downloaded the holiday calendar, tomorrow is Bird Day! I'll be feeding the birds for sure :) Thanks for that fun link!

    Haha, I hope you had a snow day, you went to such lengths!! :) I'll do a little snow dance for you on my end! :) I hope your teeth are okay, I HATE anything dental, in fact, I get shivers of foreboding when I think of the dentist, poor people, they get a bad rap don't they?

    I love your "words" for the new year! I chose two this year. Understanding - more for self-understanding and giving myself a break, stopping the negative self-talk second word is Non-reaction. I have over-empathy and really react badly to other people's negative energy, I get physically ill at times. I have to learn not to react to things and I'm doing some exercises to help myself remember that. Mind you, when it's a positive energy, I thrive! So it's a blessing, but can also be a nightmare at the same time.

    Your scribble is WONDERFUL!! I love Frosty the Snowman, and look at the fun holiday trinkets in his hat! Love it! :)

    1. I love your word choices. Non-reaction - hummmm, that would be a good one for me too I think. We did get a snow day and I've been almost totally lazy, but still getting little bits accomplished. I know you will enjoy having the calendar. I find it so much fun (especially the special food days when I can coax my husband into helping me celebrate!).

  3. Lorraine, I love how you've depicted upcoming holidays/events all packed in Frosty's top hat. How novel is that? So fun too.

    "sleeping with a spoon under my pillow in the hopes that the phone will ring around 5 a.m."
    -Huh? Do enlighten us please further. Not sure I am following here. Thanks.

    Awful about anything to do with teeth or pain or sickness so i do hope you feel all better now.

    the holiday online blog calendar is a great recourse, no doubt.

    1. Thanks Michael. We have traditions or superstitions about wishing snow days from school. When there's (significant) snow in the forecast, we tell the kids to wear their pajamas inside-out or to flush an ice cube down the toilet to increase the odds of a day off from school. Not that that would really work, but it's fun. This time around, someone told us that you should also sleep with a spoon under your pillow. If they do decide to cancel school, we usually get the call around 5 a.m. so staff members who live far away get enough notice (and so the rest of us can sleep in). And I did get to sleep in which I really needed because this tooth thing is not helping. Looks like I'll get an extra hour or two tomorrow too as it's bitterly cold here and the roads are a mess so they've already called for a delayed opening. Cheers to a great start to the new year!

  4. Oh Lorraine ~ loved your drawing, but the snow stories are magnificent. I think it would make a darling children's book. I was born and raised in CA. and have never experienced a snow day.....wonder if I put a spoon under my pillow I might get a miracle.

    This was such a fun post...You've made my day.. perhaps my week. Hugs.

    1. Ha, that would truly be a miracle I dare say! I'm glad you like hearing about it. And I just left congratulations for you over at Michael's for your win! Looks like you'll be having lots of fun in 2018!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I learned such a lot from this fun post Lorraine - I didn't do any of those things and we did get a little snow last night! So cold here now - PJ's are definitely being worn until noon on many a day it seems!

    Love your painting and the quotations.
    Happy New Year - hoping your mouth feels better very soon.

    1. Happy New Year Mary. Thanks, I hope so too! It definitely was a pajama day for me today.

  7. LOVE it....nice drawing and Happy New Year to you.

  8. Be yourself is such a great ethos to live by. I loved Danny Kaye, but I don't think I ever heard him sing that song. Loved all the different holidays you fitted into Frosty's hat - I spotted the shamrock.
    Ouch, sorry about the dental surgery. Maybe mine has all been very minor, but I know that even the anaesthetic for a simple filling really knocks DH sideways. He had 3 appointments and 4 anaesthetics in the week before Christmas and was distinctly flat afterwards.

    I'm glad to see that you did get your snow day - hope you enjoyed every moment of it.

    1. Ha, I was a bit of a sloth but it was necessary - I think having to talk so much during the day has aggravated the healing so I'm going to try to talk as little as possible this weekend. The song comes from one about Tubby the Tuba. I loved all those songs, especially The Ugly Duckling one where he adds the animal noises. Such memories.

  9. THanks Alexandra - hope you're on the mend also.


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