Saturday, January 20, 2018

Clean Up on Aisle 2018

I spent hours last year when I was moving into my craft room going through scraps, sorting them and saying to myself that I was going to try to use them to make cards.  Well, that didn't go as planned.  

Straightening up my work table this week, instead of less of this stuff, I think I have more.  What to do with it all?  I don't know why I feel so guilty throwing it away, but I do.  

At the same time, I've been contemplating a new challenge for this year.  There are a plethora of them out there.  There are monthly challenges for photography, mixed media, sketching, etc.  There is also a 365 challenge - doing something every day for a year.  Ideally you would have started one of those on January 1, but that's not absolutely necessary.  I've been giving some thought as to what I could commit to and when I would start it.

Well, going through this stuff again brought me to my idea for this year.  

With all those scraps I also found a stash of these 3" ovals cut from cracker and tissue boxes.  I honestly don't remember what they're leftover from or what they were supposed to be used for but I have an idea for them now.

I'm going to use those scraps and make the ovals into little collages. They may get done daily or weekly depending on how busy life is around here.  But the goal will be to use up those scraps!

This is the first one from today.  I may eventually punch a hole in the top of them and keep them either on a leather cord or metal ring - the jury is still out on that one.  

As far as posting, well, I think I'll keep it to once a week on these.  


  1. That's a great idea! I love to challenge myself to do something with only the items at hand! Looking forward to seeing more of your cute collages!

    1. Thanks Laurie - I've seen some of what you've done and you have inspired me.

  2. What a great idea to use the ovals. That will be a fun way to spark your creativity. It is always hard to part with any of the stash - you never know when you might be inspired to use something you have had for years. I try to be very organized so that I can keep everything!

    1. Well, I give you credit for organizing as you go. I should try to do that!

  3. Love this idea but don't know if I have enough determination to follow through. Luckily, I have some young 2nd generation crafters in the family who love to get my scraps. It is hard to part with them but at least I know they will be used.

    1. It'll be a few years until I can share them with the little guy, but I'm sure I'm only going to put a dent in what I already have!

  4. This looks like a fun personal challenge - they're not too large so won't take a whole lot of time to complete. Using things up is something that I've been trying to accomplish too, but to varying degrees of success.

    1. I'm hoping I can maintain my momemtum on this. Have to say that it is fun.

  5. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  6. I absolutely love those ovals and this idea. I just spent most of my weekend cleaning out and getting rid of stuff. Now I am thinking I have to start keeping boxes to have these to use. Also a great thing to use for this type of challenge . . . I can't wait to see your creations.

    1. Getting rid of stuff seams to be the theme of my life lately.

  7. Cute little collage! Great way of using up bits and pieces. I just found a whole pile of little paper "pockets" I made way back when! Now I just need to find a way of using them...Pinterest, here I come!
    Thank you also for your comments on my blog:-)

    1. Looking forward to seeing you use those pockets!


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