Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Scribble Picnic - Umbrella

Our Scribble Picnic prompt for this week is UMBRELLA and I waffled around on this one. 

First I thought about the little poem that I had memorized as a child - The Elf and the Dormouse which tells how umbrellas were first invented and that I highlighted in a post from 2011 after coming across some interesting mushrooms on a bike ride.  I started a pencil sketch on an index card at work but got distracted and didn't finish it.

Then at home I was playing around with some watercolors on another index card trying to get the supports at the right angles to make an umbrella look like it was open. (And as you can see one got away from me.)

More practice with a pencil and then throwing some more watercolors in.  Then I got a little crazy and outlined the flowers in marker. (That smush under them was cleaning the brush off after the umbrella was painted which I guess could almost be a puddle all the flowers were landing in.)

Trying out some more umbrellas, but not paying attention to what I was doing because they had too many segments.  And also using this to practice writing the quote I wanted to use.  I was aiming for a scribbly look.

And this is my final piece. The umbrella colored with Prismacolors and blended.  The background in Koi watercolors and the writing with a Pitt pen.  So, if you imagine as the story goes, as usually happens to me, this umbrella got caught in a car door and that is why the sides are a bit wonky there at the top.  I flubbed the writing also, but it has a comfortable home in my sketchbook with some lessons well learnt.  

I've already taken a peak and there are some beautiful renditions of umbrellas in the gallery.  Won't you join me by clicking here to see them all?

And just as a head's up - in case you want to join in, the prompt for next week is LANTERN.


  1. Watercolors are so fun...You did a great job, and I love doing art journals.

    1. Thanks Wanda. I'm not too skilled at this, but I'm trying.

  2. that is a wonderful quote. I actually thought the first draft with the mouse has potential but it is really interesting how you ended up with the last one. I do like the bright colors used, somehow that umbrella reminds of flowers and how they bloom, which works with the theme.

    have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks lissa. It was quite by accident that I found that quote. I have a habit of writing things down but not remembering the source. Guess I should start doing that.

  3. Wise words to go with your colorful umbrella!

    1. Yes, we have to find tools to fight the negativity today, even if they're only imaginary.

  4. you went all out on this theme Lorraine! I like them all.

    1. I really didn't mean to. It was just mostly playing around before making a decision. A great bit of waffling.

  5. Hi Lorraine - late here but have to stop by and tell you how much I enjoyed following the progression of your umbrella art for today. I love your final piece with that terrific quote - anything with writing always draws me in.
    Very nice -

  6. Hi Lorraine,
    I love to follow your scribbling process. I have to start to do that. I haven't had time to let my imagination go free. Lovely quote to go with a beautiful painting.

    1. Thanks Janis. I guess it is sort of a process, but week to week that process changes. But that's what makes it fun too.

  7. Lorraine, I loved reading your process here and how funny it would have been if you had followed through with the toadstools--kind of like my piece's idea too. (I enjoyed reading the linked post as well, btw.) Thank you.

    Love your quote and the feel of th epiece works well with it. Great job pushing yourself, exploring and coming up with this. Really enjoyed that and nothing makes me happier here than reading when others feel they learned something or tried something new along the way! :)

    1. Yes, I've seen people show their process without the starts and stops and I'm envious that they know exactly what they want to do and then do it. It doesn't happen that way here so why not give someone a look at the trials and errors so they don't feel they have to get it perfect the first time. Children aren't afraid to make mistakes with their art, adults I think are more likely to not even try because they don't want to make mistakes. But making mistakes is a very good way to learn.

  8. Umbrellas really can have a hard life, getting caught in doors, flying inside out and more. They are an interesting shape.

    Fun to see how our prompt took you on an exploration and journey with different ideas and mediums.

    1. You know I just splurged on one of those new umbrellas that open the other way so you can avoid getting it stuck in the car door or getting wet trying to put it down once you're in. We haven't had a significant rain since I got it to give it a try!

  9. Thank you for the encouragement. I only wish I had more time to play and practice.

  10. The dormouse sketch is sweet, makes me want to pull out my Unity stamp of an owl under a toadstool.
    I love the other ones and especially the ones on the scribble page. I have a slight weakness for umbrellas, and at this stage have collected three from one of my favourite shops in Paris.

  11. I LOVE all the different umbrella variations you did for the theme, Lorraine! I particularly love your first sketch! I don't think I've heard that story/poem before but I can see where mushrooms/toadstools would make perfect umbrellas for the wee folk. :)


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