Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Scribble Picnic - Boats

Our Scribble Picnic theme for this week is BOATS.  I don't think that means we need to have boats as in more than one, I think it was meant collectively, so I only have one boat.  One sailboat skimming across Barnegat Bay.  

I looked back over many years and through many folders to find this picture. I had vaguely remembered being on our annual Table 7 pontoon crabbing trip and taking pictures of some sailboats that were nearby.   This picture below is from 2010 on the Barnegat Bay, NJ. 

There are swans in this area and often we see them swimming up near the boats where there is fishing or crabbing going on.  This has happened to us and when it does we usually pull our lines out of the water until they move off.  The sailboater in my little painting is oblivious to the swan.

I pulled out my little 3x5 pad with heavier weight paper to do this little watercolor.  The view below is before I cropped it and more true to the actual colors - it doesn't look as stormy as the cropped one. 

Last week our theme was fairies and I had to share that thanks to that, this weekend my little fairy garden got a little redo.  Well, it was almost a total redo.  The plants that I had in this before had gotten way too leggy and papery.  It was similar to hens and chicks but they just keep getting longer and longer and after awhile you couldn't even see the fairy anymore.  This is basically why I did not take a picture or use it for my Scribble Picnic inspiration.  So HWNSNBP and I took a ride up to the Great Swamp Nursery this weekend to pick out some new plants.  I think it came out pretty cute.  

And this is not a little fairy but a little prince who will be celebrating his first birthday in a little over a week.  See that little bit of sparkle on his lip - there was nothing there.  Don't know where that came from.  When he sees us take out our phones you have to be quick getting that picture before he tries to grab it out of your hands if you're this close.  

So it's time to go visit all the other Scribble Picnickers and see all the beautiful boats.  You can too by clicking here.  And should you want to join the picnic, next week's theme is GRANDFATHER CLOCK.

Edited to add a question to the Picnickers:  Generally, is it better to reply to your comments on the blog or by e-mail?  I never know if I reply here if anyone comes back to see them.  Just wanting to do the right thing.  


  1. I didn't realize the art is done on such small paper, definitely a different perspective when you look at the small version versus the large version. neither one looks stormy to me, it seems rather serene on both.

    as for replies, I reply comments in my blog which somehow became a habit. I would reply in an email sometimes but mostly in my blog. one reason is that some bloggers, especially those on blogspot blgos doesn't have their email turn on so it's not easy to reply back because you then have to search for their email.

    hope you have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks lissa. I have mixed feelings about using this size. I don't know if it actually takes less time to fill a page this small. I think that's what I trick myself into thinking. And I have noticed in the past, as you, the lack of return address to reply by e-mail. Glad to know what you prefer. Have a great weekend.

  2. Lorraine, firstly, for me it is better for you to reply here as I try to remember to hit "notify me" below so that if you do reply and I did not see it from revisiting your post (which I try to do too to see how many others have also taken the time to reply), I will get a notification in my email to check it out! :)

    Anyway, what a memory of that time but also that you had the photo buried away. You did a fabulous job with this. I do like the bottom one better which you said is closer to the actual piece so that is good too. I love seeing the actual size too. It is fun and summery. A great boat too. Thank you!

    Also, I love your lil fairy garden with the accompanying write up. how fun is that that? Those pink flamingoes make me chuckle. I suppose even fairies like them! :)

    Happy Bday to the lil chap there! Enjoy. Thank you again for you lovely post here.

    1. Thanks Michael. I'm not a boat person, actually not a small boat person. I don't mind being on big boats, but being so close to the water is a bit scary for me so I try to distract myself with other things in view besides the water. Makes me forget I don't have my feet on the ground. Thanks also for the input on my question. Have a great week.

  3. Beautiful boat scene Lorraine and I love your fairy garden! Happy birthday to the sweet little one!

    1. Thanks Christine. I had fun making them both.

  4. Love this entire post, Lorraine. Great painting from the photo. And I think your little fairy garden is delightful. When we go motor boating in our lakes the loons come close to our boat along with the duck families.

    1. Janis, I have to say that being so close to the water scares me a bit, but I do love the birds - even the noisy gulls.

  5. I really love your boat...The colorful sail, and the duck. Nice touch.

    1. Thanks Wanda. It's not often we see such colorful sails.

  6. This reminds me of the little painting on my piano that you did from one of my French photos. I dream of having enough time to add metatags to all (or even most) of my photos to simplify that search issue! I have a program I can do it in, but I got it just as life and work turned busier.
    We had a grandfather clock, it stood in the hall beside my bedroom door. But it's funny, I can't recall it's chime at all whereas I have distinct audio memories of our other two chiming clocks.

    1. I wasn't too smart when I started this blog and just labelled groups of pictures blog 1, blog 2, etc. Then I got a little smarter and kept pictures by the month and year. And then I learned a little more and labelled some by event and year. But it's still a hit or miss event finding something.

  7. It's funny, the muted color shown first makes me think he is hurrying to get to shore, but the color on the "original" gives me the idea of just a fun, pleasant day on the water.
    Must be a bit of "drool-shine" on that darling little boy's lip. Grandson?
    Re: your question. I definitely prefer replies directly on the blogs, and always try to check back to see if there have been any! The email address linked to my blog is a disaster, so I rarely check there.

    1. Ooooh, I like that - drool-shine. Yep, grandson. And it was a fun day on the water. Old friends getting together, closer than family for some.

  8. You have given your drawing movement as it looks like the boat is skimming across the water. Lovely interpretation of the photo.

  9. I would really enjoy sailing with swans - they are so elegant - and sailing on water where the shoreline is still visible seems a bit more inviting. When on ships way out in the oceans with no visible land it does get a wee bit scary when storms pay an unwelcome visit - and I've had that experience! Here on your pretty bay in NJ all looks perfect thanks to your creativity.

    He's a cute young 'prince' - and I hope his first birthday is a fun time. Happy Birthday from me. Our first great grandson turns 1 in April!
    Mary -

    P.S. Re: your question - personally I like to get e-mail replies as I'm sure to see them. I follow a lot of blogs and don't always have time to return to each post again and again if I've asked a question, whereas I almost always see my e-mails on the laptop or iPhone immediately. Thanks for asking Lorraine - good question.

    1. I love the swans Mary. But I'm not one much for boats myself. I'd rather be within sight of land myself. Thanks for the birthday wish too. Hope your little one has a happy birthday also.

  10. Sweet little fairy prince you have there. Happy Birthday to him!

    A fairy garden seems like a fun thing to do.

    So our theme sent you on an excursion to locate your photo, yea you found it. It is a charming painting and full of memories.

    1. Thanks for the birthday wish Tammie. Yes, we have a lot of fun memories from those crabbing trips!

  11. We have some fairies and gnomes and fairy doors on a couple of trees, but sadly no neighborhood children to enjoy them. Hopefully, when our grandson gets bigger and visits he'll find them.

  12. Lorraine, you did a lovely job of the Boat theme, especially painting a scene on such a small surface. Well done! I love seeing boats on the water and I have become quite intrigued with the English Canal boats of late. I often think how cool it would be to live on one. That's actually where I was headed with my take for the boat theme but life got in the way. I will sketch it out eventually.

    Your fairy garden is delightful! Wishing your Grandson a very happy birthday!

    As for comment replies, I do try to get back to check if there has been a response but I don't always get the chance. Michael has reminded me about the Notification option so might try that from now on. Some of my blog friends reply to comments on their blogs but also Copy and Paste their reply into an email, if an email address has been made available. I tend to only reply on my blog to comments but you raise a very good point that I hadn't given much thought to. If my reply is more involved, I may consider email as well to be sure they see it.

    1. Thank you for your input Serena. And thank you for the birthday wish. So sorry it took so long to get back to you.


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