Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sometimes You Get What You Wished For

I had forgotten about a bowl of paperwhites that were way past their bloom.  We usually force them for the holidays in bowls of marbles.  When they're done blooming, out go the bulbs and the marbles get cleaned and put away for next year.  These are the marbles drying on the counter yesterday.... maybe you can tell what I was thinking about......

Well, today was a dreary rainy day and I'm still getting over this cold and feeling blue myself, but there was a little break in the rain and as I walked into the kitchen my eye was drawn up toward the garden and the bluebird house to the flash of blue.....

Look carefully at this first pic - there are three bluebirds.

They were taking turns looking in and watching each other check things out.  There were more than three bluebirds flying around, I just couldn't get more in a picture at one time.

You might say this made my day!  Or better yet, the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Oh...those look like North Carolina blue birds. I had never seen these Eastern blue birds in IL. I just colored a bird to look like this today.. :) Hope you are feeling better soon.


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