I have gotten so far behind on posting that I'm going to combine two weeks here along with some info about our getaway. We've had a busy couple of weeks and have been away from home quite a bit so my schedule, or lack thereof, has been a little topsy turvy. Sorry in advance for the lengthy post.
Did I mention that we went to Tennessee to visit our son, DIL, and GS1? Well, the opportunity presented itself and we planned a short visit of about 5 days. On one of those days our DIL suggested that we visit a place called Lucky Ladd's Farm that had a petting zoo and activities that GS1 and Papa and his parents could take part in. One of the areas to visit was a bird enclosure where I took a picture of some of the birds there. It was extremely hot that day, and I took advantage of sitting in the shade when I could. Back home, while recuperating from the heat, we did some art together, GS1 and I, as you will see in some of these cards.
Day 36/61 - Balance
Watercolor Pencils and Micron
Here's the photo...
Day 37/61 - Dashboard
I had done this one before we left. Micron, watercolor pencils, and silver metallic Journal Marker. The tangle is ARRERS #11 by Neil Burley.
Day 38/61 - PacMan
GS1 used a glass to draw the circle for the PacMan and colored it. I added the other parts when we got home. Watercolor pencil and Sharpie Paint Markers.
Days 39,41,42/61 - Fringe, Forest Green, Racetrack
GS1 asked if we could combine the "ideas"/prompts and I said yes. This is totally his card. We had a little discussion as to what "fringe" was and he thought of the fringe on a blanket. The blanket of course had to be forest green and he decided that it would have a racetrack on it. That way, if you laid it on the floor, you could also play with it with your cars.
Day 40/61 - Parchment or in this case Parch Mint
Yes, I know it's a stretch, but this is another one that I had done before our trip. Trying to explain it to an 8-yr-old was a little difficult and I don't really think he understood my out-of-the-box interpretation. Micron and watercolor pencils.
Day 43 - Fragile (Off Prompt)
Again, another one that I had done at home first. But it did spark a little art lesson in how to draw things behind others to show depth (which we put to use in the next card). Sharpie Paint Markers and white gel pen.
Day 44 - Seashell
I had brought my little 100 Day Tangle keychain with me and we looked through to find a tangle that might resemble a shell. This is Bell Temps by Tina Akura Hunziker CZT. GS1 practiced on the back and got to draw a couple of those beginning spirals on the front and I finished it. Then I decided to add the fish background - tangle Fishstar by Von Irene Fleckenstein. He added all the mouths and eyes and we had a good laugh about the positioning of the fish so close to each other. Micron, graphite pencil, watercolor pencils.
Day 46/61 - Calm (Off Prompt)
Having to get to the airport early, there was time to kill and since I hadn't flown in 25 years, I was trying to keep myself occupied and calm by going through my Pinterest boards. This is an idea for a fence that I had pinned on my Outdoor Projects board. Watercolor Pencils.
Days 45 & 47 - Plum and Intertwine
I drew the bird that I had taken a picture of in the bird enclosure and GS1 colored it. When I got home I added the tangle Amer by Maria Vennekens CZT in the background.

And the picture of the bird...........
Day 48/61 - Disco (Off Prompt)
At the farm there was a field of flowers - zinnias and sunflowers and GS1 wanted to pick some for his mother. He specifically wanted red ones but settled for a mixure in the end. This kind of reminded me of them. Tangles are Fluff Ball by Marcela Alejandra Rivera and Mooka by Zentangle HQ. Micron and watercolor pencils.
Day 49/61 - Assemblage
We were home for a couple of days and then down to the condo. I had to look for something at $Tree and also gave myself a challenge to find some things there to use for this prompt. I came up with a piece of sticky-backed wallpaper, rub-on letters, sticky notes, and tiny wooden leaves. The butterfly sticker was in my art supplies that I had brought along. I'll use the extras of these materials for some card fronts, sans the rub-ons which were really difficult to use. I can figure something else out from my stash for a sentiment or leave it off entirely.
That brings me almost current. Here are some more pictures from our trip.
Feed Beatrice the Ostrich
I need a better hat.
This guy loves Shark Week and had just gotten this Shark Sack/Blanket he couldn't wait to show us.
The sunflower field.
Family picture.
Rubber Duck Racing.
Had to have Barbeque one night. This welcomed us at the door. Should have gotten the whole pig.
On Monday, mom and dad were working so Papa and I got to "play games" all day with Ryan. Chris and Ryan got in another game of Othello before Chris drove us to the airport Tuesday morning.
The view from above the clouds on the way home.