Friday, June 7, 2024

What's Going On...........

We're still in the state of flux in the yard right now.  HWNSNBP had an idea for a project that is going to take some heavy machinery so we're waiting for any ground planting although he's been filling the flower pots for a couple of weeks now - with the right plants this time.  But, much to our surprise, after not having any iris blooms last year, we were treated with these beauties the last week or so of May...

However, all but one of the newer ones that he planted last year didn't bloom.  This is the only one...

I've spent time going back and forth to the rehab facility that my mother was in, along with my own physical therapy and dr. appointments.  I've been tapping into my stash of pre-made cards for birthdays the last couple of months feeling slightly guilty about that but at the same time, knowing that they're being used and not just stored away is a good feeling.  I'm still proud of the work that I did on them, I just wish I had more energy and time to do some new creating up in the stamp cave.  Maybe, now that my mother is back at home some time will free up (and I'm going to have to make myself scarce when the work is being done outside).   Since I used those cards from my stash, I neglected to take pictures of them again - they're somewhere on this blog from past years I know.

We celebrated the DE GS's birthdays last weekend with them and I brought deviled eggs two ways and the requested banana cream dessert.  It was a gorgeous day and we really enjoyed spending time with them and their friends.

They had a big adventure the next day - CHOP had a reunion for all their fetal heart patients at the Philadelphia Zoo and they spent the whole morning there.

The little one is the original FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) candidate and wore himself out staying awake in the stroller all morning.  But it made for a quiet trip back home for them because he was out like a light as soon as he was picked up to be put in his car seat.  He sleeps well at night, but doesn't want to miss a thing during the day and only takes cat naps most days.

GS1 in Tennessee is done with school for the year and has started his "sports" camps - this week it's basketball....

We will miss watching him play like we did the last two summers when they were nearer.  Right now we're trying to figure out a good time to go visit them.  I'm still in PT but I can work my schedule around it - driving 12 hours is out, so we will be flying.  I'll have to explain this when I go through security.....

Yes, that's my back.  Doctor says to do what I'm comfortable with.  Still using the cane when I go out for balance but I'm working on that more with my PT so the next time I see him, no more cane.

I've started ICAD again this year which I'll be sharing a week at a time, and I promise I will get back to visiting my blogging friends soon to catch up with them and all the Jingle Belle challenges too.

We've got GS2 and GS3 coming with their mom this weekend and have some fun things planned I hope to share soon too.  So I'd better get busy clearing off this dining room table where I camp out with my supplies within reaching distance of toddlers' fingers.


  1. You should be proud that you have a treasure of cards to call upon when you need them. I know anyone would be happy to get one of your creative pieces.
    Hope everyone gets on track soon.

  2. Interesting shot of your back. Sweet grandies growing up so fast.-Christine

  3. Love the pretty iris flowers! And those sweet little grandie faces are so adorable.
    As for the border security issue - does your doctor provide any sort of certificate/letter that you can take with you to perhaps smooth the way?

  4. Beautiful iris! I used a LOT of cards from my stash last year and I saw that as a positive. I even moved on some from my "keeper" box. I'm sure your stash ones were just as appreciated as if you had made something new.
    I didn't know there was more than one way to do devilled eggs!


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