I'm so glad that I took the time before my surgery to grid out the placement of all the stickers on the black poster board that HWNSNBP was so thoughtful to pick up for me because bending at the waist is not allowed during my recovery and it would have been a real chore to try to do it without the bending. As it is, there will be a lot of erasing to do after all the stickers are placed, but I'm pretty sure that it won't be that noticeable. Also, photographing such a wide piece of paper is a bit challenging while trying to stand up straight and not move so I apologize for the wobbliness of this video I did of the first 30 days worth of stickers.
I found myself running low on the tails so I grabbed some more strips and made some more wishing stars and had to get a bigger jar to put them in.
These little projects are fitting in pretty good right now because between the muscle relaxant drug and the inabilitiy to sleep through the night because of lingering nerve pain I'm very tired during the day and can't focus on bigger things right now. That and the fact that I shouldn't be sitting still for long lengths of time which is what I tend to do when I start working on bigger projects. I can do little by little and still get my laps in.
I was a little overconfident in thinking that I could use some of the time in the hospital to work on some zentangles and actually packed a little bag with some tiles and tools. What made it even more of a challenge was that when I woke from the 4 hour surgical procedure, my left hand hurt and was totally numb. I could grasp and squeeze with it, but there was no feeling. They gave me something for the pain and said that the numbness was probably due to the position that I was in during the surgery and that it could take several days (or longer) for the feeling to return. This kind of set off a firestorm with the attending staff and they felt that they had to do a CT scan to rule out a possible stroke. I was not happy about that and there's more to that story but I won't go to length here. I had mentioned several times that I was glad that it was my left hand and not my right as I was an artist - something that I don't think I've ever made claim to be out loud. One of the nurses asked what I did and I mentioned painting and tangling and was able to show her the ring of 100 days of tangles that I had brought as reference in case I was to work on any tiles. (I did attempt one, but the drugs weren't helping my eyes focus well enough so I tucked it away.) But I have been working to keep up with the 100 Days of Tangles and here they are........all of February.........

....and most of March so far.
I haven't done much of the shading on most of these and will have to go back to that when I get near the end. It will be nice to try to do some tiles with strings in the future too so I can see some of these patterns put together.
Still sleeping downstairs for now, but I did manage to get up the stairs and did a little bit of work in the stamp cave to prepare for Easter that I'll share in a bit. But for now, I'm fading fast and have to say good night and to apologize to my blogging buddies for not visiting as regularly and commenting - I will catch up with you soon I hope.