Friday, February 2, 2018

Sick Day Bird Watching

I'd say one of the only perks of being home sick (aside from not having to change out of my pajamas and sleeping when I want) is being able to watch the birds during the day.  Usually I can catch glimpses of them when I get ready for work in the morning and when I get back, if I'm not otherwise involved in something, I'll spend some time during evening feeding to watch.  But being home during the day allows for more spontaneous and leisurely watching.  

Some of the regular visits have been woodpeckers.  The red-bellied woodpecker.......

............and the smaller downies.

And, there's always a greater chance of seeing the blues closer to the house when the feeders are less crowded.  

They're still trying to get into the car and the truck.  

This shot was purely by luck.  I could see the color of the bird and was hoping to capture it in color, but the camera thought otherwise and I got this lovely silhouette.   

Gray skies on the first of February.  


  1. Being able to watch the birds is fantastic. I am lucky I can do that every day. We had Blue Jays all day today with a few attempts by the crows...but the Jays are bullies and they kept the feeder safe! :) Hope you feel better! That last photo is so lovely! I do love silhouettes! :)

    1. You're right about the jays being bullies. I do love to see them on gray days though. Something about the light and their colors makes me feel like I'm looking at a vintage scene.

  2. great shots, feel better soon though!

    1. Thanks Christine. I'm making a little progress.

  3. Lovely bird pictures!
    Hope you are felling better, Lorraine.

  4. So sorry you're feeling poorly, but at least you can entertain yourself with the birds. Take care of you!

  5. What pretty birds! I always love to see what animals and birds you have in your garden, and I loved your sunset pictures too!
    Hope you are feeling MUCH better now:-)

  6. Sorry that you too have been unwell. There's so much going around now, and I would imagine that in a school it's hard to escape contact with people. I'm glad you had such lovely sightings - so envious of the woodpeckers.

  7. Great pictures . . . lovely birds. Have a wonderful day - hope you are feeling better!


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