Friday, June 7, 2019

ICAD 2019

June rolls around and it's time for ICAD - Index Card A Day brought to us by Tammy Garcia aka Daisy Yellow.  Tammy provides 61 days worth of prompts for this two-month challenge.  Check that, there are a few more than 61 prompts as she also provides warm-up exercises for the week before - all being totally optional.

I was loving doing the rainbow ribbons in my sketchbook and thought it might be cool to try them on my index cards.  There were several decisions to be made thought.  First, would the ribbon be contained on each card or should I link them together?  And if I linked them together would it be for the entire two months or a shorter period of time? Second, the medium for the ribbon.  In my sketchbook I had been using watercolor markers, but there would be a lot of blending involved and index cards don't really allow for much blending.  Once you touch the marker to the paper it soaks in making blending pretty hard.  And I needed to decide what the background to the ribbon would be.  Would it be simply a different type of media, or would I use the prompts.

So here's what I decided.  The ribbon would be colored with colored pencils - a somewhat inexpensive set that was easy to use.  The ribbon would link through the cards and I would only do the ribbon on the first month - so 30 days (31 including the title card).  And I'm trying to use the prompts as the background filler of various media, but not necessarily different on each day.

Day 1 - Mailbox

Day 2 - Peppermint

Day 3 - Magenta

Day 4 - Reflection

Day 5 - Tourist Map

Day 6 - Leaf or Petal

Day 7 - Stencil

This is how I started the ribbon. I taped 31 cards to a wall and started drawing the circles and then penciled in the loops. I made sure to carefully number the cards so I could do them in order. 

I am working ahead on the ribbon part so I can keep up with the daily prompts on schedule.  I'm looking forward to seeing it all put together at the end of June.  Then I'll have to think about what to do for July......any suggestions?

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