Thursday, September 26, 2024

What's Been Showing Up

I took this picture on our way back from our lunch at Hens & Honey a couple of weeks ago. That one red tree stood out amongst all the green ones lining the highway.  There's a lot more color that's been showing up in the time since.

Some other things that have been showing up..........

This toad jumped out of the planter when HWNSNBP was watering recently.  I'm sure he was very cozy hidden there until that point.  

And last week, as I was getting ready to leave the house in the morning for my PT session, I caught this guy going through the yard.  He doubled back towards the car in the driveway before moseying over to the neighbor's yard.  This is not the same fox we've been periodically seeing the last few months as that one was very scraggly and had lost all of the hair on it's tail to mange.  Not sure it's still around because it looked to be in very bad shape.

Another find whilst watering.  This foot-long cucumber coming out the back of the planter.  Don't know how that was missed.

Arriving at the condo a couple of weekends ago I glanced out the back and saw this fella hanging out in the tall grass.  I managed to get the screen open and get a few snaps before he heard me and flew away.  But it wasn't long after that we noticed it had returned to the same place.  After that we didn't see it again in that spot.

Oh, but on our way to the condo that day we stopped at Anna Banana's Bakery because they were celebrating Harry Potter Week again and I wanted to get a ButtaBeer and a Sorting Hat Cupcake.

Seems I've been sorted into Gryffindor yet again.

Although this was not the last night of summer, this was the last summer sunset picture that I took.

This little guy is getting ready for Halloween.  Can you tell what/who he's going to be?

And this very happy kindergartener has earned his first Paw Certificate at school for outstanding sportsmanship during gym class.   

I've finished my Fall Into Fall Tangles and will post them soon.  Inktober starts in a few days and I've been contemplating how I will be doing that.  It will also be the start of Birdtober and I've seen the prompt list and have set myself up with reference pictures for all the birds.  There were two lists to choose from this time - and International list and a North American list.  I chose the the North American list to go with.  I ordered (and received) an 8"x8" watercolor pad with 34 pages in it so I could work a little bigger this year.  I enjoyed last year's work in the smaller pad, but at times did find it a little restricting with getting the bird on that size page.  This should be a little easier.  

And my physical therapist reminded me today that it's just 3 months until Christmas, so there are projects and cards to get moving on also.  It's going to be a busy October.

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