Monday, September 2, 2024

Frogs, Fish, Little Boys and More - Ending August and Beginning September

I had a really cute video of GS3 with this little tree frog he found on one of the toys at his daycare, but I can't seem to get it to upload.  So I did a screenshot.  He played with it back and forth for a while and did try to pick it up.  Then the frog jumped to the ground next to him and hopped under the equipment at which point GS3 lost interest.  We were all wondering if he had managed to keep in it his hand before it hopped away if he would have tried to eat it, but we'll never know.

Meanwhile, "back at the ranch" this is our "newish" frog planter that got knocked over by a hungry deer trying to munch on the plant.  You can see that there was some damage, but we were able to find the pieces and I was able to perform some repair to the lip. 

I was glad that I was able to fix it as it was an impulse purchase that cost a little more than I would have liked to have paid.  

I followed along with a YouTube video by etuko_works of this Cherry Blossom Blooming.

And here is another sketchbook page inspired by something I saw on IG and forgot to write down the source.  

After a recent trip to Costco, I put together a personal charcuterie platter of some summer treats.  A mediterranean pasta salad, some spinach artichoke dip with pretzel sticks (should have had the dipping sticks a size larger), a new to me apple I've been wanting to try - Honeybee which was sweet, and some Babybel cheese rounds which paired with the apple quite nicely.  I had this while sitting on the balcony at the condo and listening to the concert a couple of weeks ago.

This is the new post/bird station that I designed and HWNSNBP created for our backyard update.  It stands about 9-10' high.  Currently it has the planters at the top and on the next level down are the suet and seed feeders.   How many birds can you see waiting to take their turn at the suet cake?  BTW, next year the hanging planters will match.  We got the one on the left and put together the one on the right kind of later in the season.  We've already changed out the terra cotta pots to fall pansies also, and may add more.  I''ll post more pictures of the whole project soon.

Speaking of pictures, Rachel reminded us how cute this shirt has been for all three of our grandsons now.  All pictured a few months after their first birthday.

We had GS2 and GS3 and their parents with us this past weekend and had some fun in the pool and fishing on the dock.  GS2 will be starting Kindergarten this year and is very much looking forward to it.

Maverick at Meet The Teacher Night

Goofing around on the dock.

We let him reel in every fish that was caught (there were four).

I knew he couldn't fit between the bars, but just in case...........

Listening to "Miss Rachel" and doing the motions.

He doesn't sit still long, but when this show is on he is mesmerized.

I've got some projects in the works and a few more to get started soon.  Fortunately, I'm getting more in the mood to return to card making.  HWNSNBP helped me clear up some space in the stamp cave and with a little more organization, I think I won't be as reluctant to go up there.  I've got some anniversaries coming up and of course, I'm very behind on Christmas cards.  So this month will hopefully be productive on that front.


  1. Tasty looking treat! The cherry blossom is beautiful. And we are both wowed by the bird feeder/planter. It certainly gives plenty of space for the waiting birds to perch. What is the bird waiting above the woodpecker?

  2. Great looking grazing board! The birds must really enjoy the new specially-made post and I'm sure the humans enjoy watching them.


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