Monday, August 12, 2024

Words and Games......With a Little Color

 OPACAROPHILE - (n) - A person who loves sunsets. (taken 8/2/24)

PAREIDOLIA - a brain phenomenon that causes people to see or hear something meaningful in a random pattern or image.  

Curious to know what YOU see in these clouds below?

Another sunset from 8/10/24.

Fishing late Saturday afternoon.  I caught 1 and brought the count to 3 me, 1 HWNSNBP.  Loved the way the light looked on the water.  

Don't look ahead - Can you find the bobber?


How about now?  Doesn't the water look like blue camouflage?

Back at home the temperature and humidity were lowered so I ventured out last night in the early evening to do some "weeding" in the planters - no squatting involved.

These are a new variety of zinnia that we tried this year and I am very pleased with them.  They are called Pink Senorita and he got the seed from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds in Mansfield, Missouri.

The hummingbirds seem to like them too.


  1. I saw a guy paddling a canoe and a fish in the sky. Maybe he's dreaming of catching one?

    1. When I posted this on Instagram many people saw the fish and some a fisherman, but you're the first to mention a canoe and I can see that now too.

  2. The sunset lover word is new to me. Beautiful sunsets. I see a small fish in the upper orange part, and a man in some sort of hat over at the lefthand side. Because of the fish I think he's a fisherman, but he could be military. How nice that the hummers like your zinnias.

    1. When I posted this on Instagram many of the responses said they saw a fish and a few also saw the fisherman. And, I believe there was one person who mentioned a military hat.


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