Friday, August 25, 2023

In the Interim

I have been absent here for awhile taking a little blogging break after the busyness of the last month but HWNSNBP reminded me that Labor Day is right around the corner even though my wall calendar was still on the June page so I thought I'd better do some catch up.  Some of these were from earlier in the month and a few were from the last week.  I have more pictures of some of the plantings but they've filled out a lot since I took them and it's kind of a gray day here so I'll update them a little later.  In the meantime.........

I thought that I was going to do a photo challenge earlier this month with the first prompt being "morning light" - this was actually taken the day after and since I was already behind, I gave up early.  But I still liked the way the plants looked through the screening in the early morning.

Our first bean and tomato harvest.

The view towards the birdbath.

And of the back door.  (I've since pruned off some of the lower branches on the lemon tree.)

I'm hoping that leafy gray plant will overwinter.  The angelonia and blue sage in the pots really adds another level to the vinca.

It was a Sunday night after our weekend with Ryan (pics to follow soon) when I looked out the window at the end of the day to see the sunlight lighting up the crepe myrtle like a highlighter in a textbook.

Then a couple of nights ago, the sun again at the end of the day giving a glow to the yard.

The moonflower vine started to bloom this week.  You can see the size of the flowers in relation to the quarter in my hand.  They open up very late in the day and don't last long after daybreak.  They're good for the nighttime pollinators.

A couple of odd plants - this one is a pineapple lily.  The nursery that we frequent had a box of free bulbs at the checkout and this was the last one left when we were there so we grabbed it to try.  It didn't appear in the best shape so we were surprised when it actually did bloom.

And we saw this popcorn plant at Rachel's when we visited last weekend.

I'm going through pictures from the wedding and trying to organize my thoughts around that post.  The one thing that I regret is that I didn't take pictures of some of the things that I created as they were there.  I have pictures of them in our home, but I'm hoping that the photographer will have some at the venue that I can share.  

Hard to believe that this is the last weekend in August......but there is still more summer to enjoy!


  1. Your garden looks wonderful. We had what was called a 'moonflower' in our last garden but it grew close to the ground and had yellow flowers much smaller than your white ones. It was fascinating at dusk to sit and watch them open up yet by morning they were gone.

  2. Oh wow, beautiful plants. You have the touch. Joy's Jots

  3. Great harvest - and very tasty, I am sure. I think I've seen the pineapple lily elsewhere, but the popcorn plant is new to me and looks very cool.


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