Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Scribble Picnic - RADIO

I'm lucky to work within 10 minutes of my home.  But this gives me very little listening time on the car radio.  I do use another type of radio - a portable two-way radio more commonly known as a walkie-talkie.  It's the main way to get in touch with our school custodian, but the teachers also take one outside for recess, gym class, and daily at dismissal.  I keep it turned on on my desk throughout the day.  Mine has a special setting that allows me to also hear the transmissions from the school bus drivers and the transportation department.  This comes in handy if there's a problem on a bus or if a bus is going to be late.  The biggest problem we have with these radios however is operator error.  They are very easy to use but 1) you have to have them turned on to work, 2) you have to have them set to the correct channel, 3) you have to hold down the button while you are speaking, and 4) you have to have it with you to hear it.  I think a walkie-talkie could come in handy at one of our picnics in case someone wants to do some exploring.  

There was something else that gave me a little inspiration for RADIO. This little guy and his pint-sized Radio Flyer red wagon.  He was keeping us entertained as we were celebrating our 40th anniversary with our kids this weekend.

I was reminded that I have one just like it at home and set it up for a picture outside.  Those are orange and black pansies that we picked up in our travels this weekend.

I'm developing a thing for white pumpkins lately.  Don't know why.  

It's getting late and I need to mosey on over to see what other kinds of RADIOs there will be at the picnic. You can join me by clicking here.  And speaking of joining, if you'd like to join the picnic next week the theme is BLANKET.


  1. That's a really nice drawing of the Radio Flyer! I love how you set it up with the flowers. White pumpkins...hmmm...I think I could develop a thing for those too! ONE of my two pumpkins that I managed to grow this season is finally starting to turn orange!

    1. Thanks Rain. You have to have real patience for pumpkins to get orange I think. At least in home gardens.

  2. WE really did have similar thoughts. Your little guy is adorable with his tiny little wagon.

    Wagons are so perfect for pumpkins and flowers. I spray paint my pumpkins white for Christmas and tie a red bow. Also looks good in a wagon.

    1. He was having such fun with it. I've seen people turn their pumpkins into snowmen too.

  3. Sounds like your two-way radio gets quite a workout!
    The classic Radio Flyer–they're so handy for all kinds of loads. Love your flower-filled version!

  4. FUN post!!! I love that blonde hair! He is adorable with his little wagon. Happy Anniversary! We celebrated 36 years on the 19th.

  5. I didn't realise you lived so near your work, that is a huge plus! Had to laugh at point #4, so very true. Those pansies are just beautiful looking, I love seeing the different ways nature produces black.

    1. I would love to ride my bike or even walk there, but the terrain is much to hilly for me. I'd never seen black pansies in person before this so I couldn't resist grabbing a pack.

  6. Congratulations on that special anniversary Wanda!
    Love the photo and your rendition of the radio flyer with a seasonal pumpkin and pansies. I must plant some once my house reno project is over - please be over, I'm exhausted just waiting!!!!

    1. No worries Mary. I really do understand how it's hard to keep track of who is who when we only know each other through the computer screen. Good luck with the reno - I'm sure it will be worth it in the end.

  7. Lorraine, sorry, for some reason I keep getting you and Wanda reversed - this is so silly of me, put it down to being so old, haha!!!!!!

  8. They are both perfect, Lorraine! Great ideas too. I so had to chuckle at this though: "They are very easy to use but 1) you have to have them turned on to work," -- Um, yeaaas! Hahhaha. thank you so much for you lovely art pieces.

    1. I've often joked that we need a course for the teachers "Walkie-Talkie 101". Our old school nurse wanted me to print up directions to attach to them because she couldn't remember what to do. Glad you liked the art.

  9. Oh, adn a huuuuge congrats on 40 years anniversary! wow.

  10. Oh, and finally, walkie talkies is a superb idea! You know Alex, she love to venture off into the woods and we might need to go find her in the middle of one of our picnics!

  11. Thanks Alexandra. That must have been fun.


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