Monday, August 12, 2019

More July ICAD's

Day 45 - Wabi-Sabi

This first one is for the prompt Wabi-Sabi - a concept I was not totally familiar with.  I think it was a prompt a couple of years ago, but I didn't remember what the definition was so I had to do some investigating.  Essentially, from what I gather, it means embracing the imperfect.  So I chose to draw one of my lemon trees that I had grown from the seeds of some lemons a couple of years ago.  This particular one had started to branch out then promptly began losing leaves.  Since I drew this, we put all three of them outside and they seem to be doing much better.  Of course, they cannot stay out year-round, so we'll see if I can keep them alive inside for the winter.

Day 46 - Amethyst
Someone had recently posted a picture of their eggplant plants and I loved those amethyst flowers and decided to use them for this prompt.

Day 47 - Turnpike

There is a meme about NJ where the question asked is "What Exit are You?" referring to the turnpike and Garden State Parkway that run north and south through just about the entire length of the state.  The trouble with that meme is that there is are generous portions of the state where either of these roads is not easily accessed.  And the other negative connotation is that along these roads, there is nothing but industry.  Well, we are called the Garden State for a reason.  There is much diversity here and a lot of natural beauty.  So my turnpike had lots of colorful exits where you could find lots of wonderful things to see and do.  

Day 48 - Topographic

A topographic map of some fictional islands.

Day 49 - Billboard

Bill Board has a brother that people call Surf.

Day 50 - Escape

Day 51 - Number

Seven and two are our kids favorite numbers.

Day 52 - Friendship

This is a drawing I made of a logo/tattoo for our Table 7 group.  The nine fish are all connected at the center with 7's.  The red bands show marriages.  The blue and pink bands are children from those marriages.  And the hash marks are the number of grandchildren.  There will be another grandchild for one of the couples this fall so it will continue to grow.  (Now if I could just talk someone into actually getting this as a tattoo..... it'll never happen.)

Day 53 - Note to Self

The pineapple is cut from another index card I was experimenting with.

Day 54 - Shadow (Off prompt)

Instead I went with a gouache background and some windows cut from audition cards.

Day 55 - Pendulum

This idea created a lot of work and I decided in the end to scrap most of it.  This is a Life Color Pendulum chart.  I typed up all those "tabs" and since I couldn't get them to fit on the card, I went another direction....

Day 56 - Spin

It was fun using my gouache watercolors to make those spirals.  And then I added a little spinner

Day 57 - Kite

Drawn from a picture taken at the LBI Kite Festival with

Day 58 - Lime Green

Featuring woven washi tape.

Day 59 - Skeeball - Off Prompt

Some finger painted flowers with watercolor gouache.

Day 60 - Accordion

A one-staple collage of accordion pleated cupcake liners.

Day 61 - Symphony

Can you hear the Supremes?

Round up to come.


  1. What a lovely feast of colour this morning. My favourites were Bill, the bird out of the cage and the flying kite. I enjoyed the details on the turnpike and the friendship one. In the town I grew up in, there was a Turnpike Lane, but it was really just a pedestrian shortcut between the main street and a parallel one, over the railway track.

  2. Lovely Lorraine. Gorgeous colours!


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