Wednesday, December 6, 2017


I have a penchant for things Scandinavian.  There's a mixture of nature and geometry that really appeals to me.  Not to mention the patterns and contrasts of color.  

In thinking about what I was going to do for this theme I did some research into things Finnish and Scandinavian.  For instance, I love to go to IKEA.  I love their Christmas decorations that are often themed with gnomes and foxes, straw, and stars, white and red color combinations.  BUT, IKEA is based in the Netherlands which isn't part of Scandinavia.  So, I think my love of what I think is Scandinavian encompasses a lot more. 

That said, I think I'm just in love with the folk art of that area of the world.  During my "research" I found a display of little white houses and folk art trees that I was coveting.  There was one tree that captured it all for me.  It was in white but I did mine in black.  This was an exercise in drawing a mirror image trying to get both sides to look symmetrical.  

And this is a very quickly sketched and cut out (with the wrong scissors) snowflake that I was fooling around with this past weekend.  Against the red paper I thought it fit in with the theme.  I might give this another try in the near future with my detail scissors.  

It's off to the picnic now to see what other FINNISH/SCANDINAVIAN goodies everyone else brought this week.  You can take a look too by clicking here.  And again, should you wish to join in next week the theme is DREIDEL/SPINNING TOP/TEETOTUM,


  1. Nice job. So neat. Ilove seeing how we all work with this theme.

  2. Your tree is lovely and both sides truly look suited to one another.

    A lovely snowflake too!

  3. I love your Finnish tree and pretty snowflake. I thought IKEA was Swedish, maybe originally anyway.

  4. You are right, we were on the same train of thought this week, but I have to say your symmetry is perfection. I wouldn't have thought this could be free hand. It is clear you have a knack for this kind of art even in your snow flake. Very well done, Lorraine ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  5. Now that really is a special way to show the theme. Love the tree and snowflake....beautiful paper cuttings for Christmas. Thanks for you comment on my blog. Loved it.

  6. I like the symmetrical tree. the paper snowflake is lovely. perhaps you could show us how you cut it if you ever try it again.

    have a lovely day.

  7. Your symmetry is amazing! I worked for while in a Finnish shop (run by a Finn), and oh my, they really do have a talent for design, I think. The snowflake design is fab with the little birds.

  8. I'm in agreement regarding IKEA's always lovely decorations - it was a Swedish-founded company and their designs are done there but sadly, like most things manufactured these days, we know where they are actually made and it's far away from Scandinavia!!!!
    Lorraine both your pieces are just awesome - must have taken a lot of time - many thanks for sharing.
    Happy holidays - and perhaps snowflakes of the wet kind will be falling here in North Carolina later today!

  9. Ooh, Lorraine, this is so well done! I love them both and what a great idea to do a snowflake cut out too! Love it. Your tree is amazing, btw! Fab job on that and making it look the same on both sides. Beautiful design too. I love the bottom branches in particular with the bendy flowers. Thank you so much. I guess it never occurred to me that Holland is not Scandinavia but right you!


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