My message to all on my butterfly easel card - Happy Mother's Day.
The card for my mom and HWNSNBP's mom. (Crazy colors, huh!)
Butterflies shared with some co-worker's and friends.
We had a full day of flower gathering starting with the Master Gardener's Sale at the 4-H Center. I picked up some more perennials to add to the garden. I hope the Royal Family will like them. (That's the new name for the bluebirds thanks to an idea spurred by Lydia on SCS.)

On the way home to drop those flowers off I asked HWSNSBP to drop me off on the road so I could get a picture of the fishermen in the river. Funny how they were much more clearly visible from the car. Must have been the height of the vehicle because I thought for sure getting out would make for a better picture. This is my route to work in the morning and I have been seeing fishermen up to their waists almost on a daily basis. They remind me so much of my grandfather, although I never did go fishing with him, he would leave early on the weekends and usually come back with a creel full of trout he would clean at the kitchen sink and fry up in a cast iron pan. Dziadziu, as we called him, would sometimes bring home wildflowers that he would find along the riverbanks. He often gave them to my mother when she was a little girl. They could be found replanted in the yard and some of them have found there way here to our yard including some sweetpeas and confederate violets.
HWNSNBP has not been freshwater fishing for years. He did bring home some wild irises once, but they have disappeared from the yard. The Virginia Bluebells he has brought from the river have thrived though and have sown themselves wildly in places.
Our next stop was the Arboretum to pick up the chrysanthemum cuttings HWNSNBP had ordered. They were also having a plant sale in a tent and I splurged on some more plants including some scented geraniums. This picture below is one of the many primroses that were blooming in the borders along the parking lot.
Again I was reminded of my grandfather when I saw this. We had a beautiful large kerria bush in our yard growing up. I just loved those yellow-orange puffy blossoms. I bought one and planted it here but it has never bushed out like the one from long ago. I have never seen one potted though. It looks pretty with the pansies. I wonder what they will pair it with once the pansies have petered out.
One more flower related errand to the Great Swamp Nursery to get a hanging plant for my mother and pick up some of our bedding annuals. Needless to say this will not be the last trip there this season. The impatiens were a little too small yet we felt and they did not have any blue browalia ready. We did get our periwinkles and some herbs and tomatoes.
So today, as it's turned out to be a glorious day, I will be planting and catching up on some craft projects that I have been putting off. That is, after I finish watching Pride and Prejudice that I just happened to see was on last night and dvr'd. I've got just about enough time in the window while HWNSNBP visits his mother. I was lucky to get to see my mom last night and deliver her plant so I would have the day to do as I pleased.