
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Scribble Picnic - WATCH OUT

What do you think of when you hear the words WATCH OUT?  I've been asking family members that for a few days trying to come up with my idea for this week.  There were some good suggestions, but since the news has been full of hurricanes, at least here on the east coast, I decided to do another wind map.  This is about the only pretty thing that comes along with a hurricane.  And something we definitely want to WATCH OUT for if we're planning a picnic.

It took about an hour to do this in my 3.5 x 5 sketchbook with a variety of fine tip markers.  It's actually kind of relaxing.  (Especially when listening to a baseball game in the background.) I loosely follow what has been posted on the Weather NJ site as you can see below.

You can see some others of these that I've done by clicking here.

I just read that Maria has left Puerto Rico totally without electricity and it will take a very long time to get the grid up again.  Our thoughts and prayers are with them all, as well as those still recovering from Harvey and Irma.  New Jersey got a glancing from Jose, but he's still hanging around and may hook up with Maria spawning who knows what!  So we definitely will WATCH OUT.

Now to join the Picnickers and find out what else we all should be WATCHing OUT for!  Click here to join me.  

OOOOOh, I had to come back to add the prompt for next week is RADIO if you would like to join in!


  1. Wonderful idea to do the eye of the hurricane Lorraine, very topical.

    1. Thanks Christine. I hadn't done one of these in a while and I was glad it fit the theme.

  2. We will designate you then Lorraine, to watch out for any weather patterns that might disrupt our picnics each week! :) I love how at first it comes across as a peacock feather but then realised what it was and what you were looking at when doing this. Fun idea and definitely somethign to watch out for. I love too, btw, how you asked your family for ideas on the theme. Heh, I did that with Alex and had so many but at the last minute, went the direction you see on my blog after imagining the scene. Thanks again! And, if you ask your younger family members about radio, they will likely have no idea what to tell you...unless they've seen the movie by that name perhaps? haha.

    1. Ha, I knew if I didn't explain it it might be looked at like some closeup of a bird, but hadn't thought peacock, but I like that.

  3. This is beautiful. Isn't it kind of jarring when you see how beautiful a hurricane can be on the weather maps, compared with the destruction it leaves behind?

    1. I know. The weather lately has been so destructive. I almost feel guilty finding something beautiful about it.

  4. Hi Lorraine :) Your eye of the storm is wonderful. What detail! I can see how that would be relaxing to draw. I love the colours! :)

    1. Thanks Rain, it's easy to get carried away with the color. I'm still looking for a nice light pink fine marker so I can blend more.

  5. Lorraine your beautiful rendering of the hurricane winds is amazing - especially when I enlarge - just so sad that these horrendous storms bring such devastation and heartbreak to so many people, and animals.

    I'm nervous living here in the southeast as we have been impacted severely over the years by hurricanes, tornadoes and such - however just where can one go to find perfect weather to live in? I haven't found a place yet!

    Take care - Mary

    1. Mary, when I look at the news it seems there is no place to go to get away from it. In my life I've seen much too much loss of property and livelihood from hurricanes and floods here in our area. I hope you and your family are safe and get through the hurricane season.

  6. Such a perfect piece for this time in life and all the storms! Your piece is striking and beautiful. The textures make it pop. Also makes me think of Van Gough. Beautiful.

    1. Thanks Tammie Lee. It is kind of Starry Nightish!

  7. I like the asbtract of your drawing, didn't think to draw such thing. I kind of see a bird there instead of a wind map. good take on the theme.

    have a lovely day.

    1. You're right lissa, it reminded me of a parrot eye when I was done.

  8. I always think these are so amazing. I can see why they would be quite relaxing and fun to do. I'd have trouble coming up with something for that cue!

    1. Thanks Sabrina. I do enjoy doing them.

  9. We all have been watching out for those hurricanes. There are so many this fall. So, a perfect theme for this week.

    1. Thanks Latane. Hopefully, things will die down now.

  10. Your illustration clearly shows why they call it the 'eye of the storm'...quite beautiful to see even though the meaning is worrying. I'm dreading our storm season this summer. Mother Nature does not seem happy with us at all.

    1. You're right, she doesn't. Hope its mild for you.


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