
Monday, August 17, 2015

Cape May in a Day and Back to Barnegat Bay

We took a ride to Cape May last weekend and after we were through strolling through our favorite haunts, we stopped at the Lobster House for a late lunch.  Grabbing a table by the railing (we were eating outside on the dock), we were, shall I say "joined" by this guy.  He flew down to the railing and then would get up enough courage to try to fly to the table.  Now, we hadn't yet gotten our meals but we did have drinks on our tray and the previous group had left one lone shrimp shell and two pats of butter on the table (the kind in the foil wrappers) and he definitely was eyeing something up.

Thinking it was the shrimp shell he wanted I flicked it off the table. Nope, that wasn't it.  He dove at the table again and HWNSNBP shooed him away.  And then a lady at the table next to us decided that she would share a french fry with him and tossed one onto the chair next to me.  He was quick to grab it, and I was quick to grimace at her for further inviting him to pester us, but he just hopped on back up to the railing when he was done as he hadn't yet scored his treasure.

As I pointed my cell phone camera at him he looked me in the eye and then suddenly dove toward the table once again, grabbed one of the golden pats of butter and flew off.  I quickly hid the remaining pat so he would be on his way and he was, thankfully, so we could eat our lunch without having to protect it from him.  Of course we would never feed the gull or any bird something like that, we just never thought that would be of interest to him or her.  And then, of course, the french fry lady wanted to know what it was that he took off the table and when we said the butter, her male counterpart added that he hoped that the bird found a roll somewhere to go with it.

The ship that was docked next to us had this beautiful bird painted on the side though we couldn't see the name of it.  

And, not to bore you with pictures of food, but I had a tuna melt and HWNSNBP had a crabcake sandwich (and helped me finish what I couldn't).

Later that evening, back at the condo in Barnegat, we met up with our Table 7 friends and all took a walk over to the dock to check out the weekly Saturday night concert just about at sunset.  And what a sunset it was!


  1. I cannot believe that French fry lady threw that French fry into the chair next to you!!
    I do believe I might have been tempted to throw it back onto her table...LOL

    What a glorious sunset! Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Ooooh yummy! I could definitely sit and eat those meals! Love the bird photography! Lovely and clear. ( I have a cockatiel too - her name is Maggie, she's as sweet as can be)

  3. I think gulls will eat anything!! But you obviously had a very picky one if he had his eye and heart set on that butter. And I agree, I certainly wouldn't have thrown any food onto a chair, that's a bit "off"!!
    What a lovely painted bird on the boat - and a beautiful sunset.

  4. What a wonderful day! Love the pesky bird . . . and that sunset!


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